5 Carrot Oil Masks To Encourage Hair Growth

In addition to helping with hair growth, carrot oil masks will also help combat other problems, such as excessive dryness or oil, depending on the case, or dandruff.
5 carrot oil masks to encourage hair growth

You probably know that carrots are a good source of vitamins A and E. These vitamins are essential for hair growth and for thicker hair. In this article we will share some recipes with carrot oil masks.

The main advantage of applying these masks is that the vitamins A and E come into direct contact with the scalp.

The benefits you get are:

  • Stimulation of hair growth.
  • Your hair will look soft and shiny.
  • Increased blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Strengthens your roots.
  • Prevents damage caused by pollution and sun rays.

To get these results, we recommend that you use these masks once a week.

Carrot Oil Masks: Where Do You Find Carrot Oil?

Carrot oil is not exactly the most common oil. It is therefore possible that you have never seen it before and that you do not know where to find it.

The best option is to ask at the pharmacy or stores that specialize in natural products.

1. Carrot and avocado mask

Carrot and avocado mask.

Avocado pulp is full of vitamins, minerals and fats that moisturize the scalp from the inside.

We recommend this mask if your hair is extremely dry, breaks easily and if you have dandruff. Do not use this mask if your hair is greasy.


  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 10 drops of carrot oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey (7.5 g)


  • Crush the avocado to make a paste.
  • Add carrot oil and honey.
  • Apply to the hair and massage it in to ensure that the nutrients are massaged in well.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

This hair growth mask allows your hair to grow a few inches before you need to trim it.

2. Oil masks of carrot: Carrot and banana oil


Do you have a ripe banana in the kitchen ? Use it to make this mask. You need to know that bananas provide great health benefits to our hair, so take advantage of them!


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon carrot oil (5 g)


  • First mash the banana and add the carrot oil.
  • Then mix well and apply on clean, dry hair.
  • Massage it in and let it sit for 25 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.

We recommend that you use a ripe banana since they have more nutrients in them. Also when it comes to mixing it to make the pasta. It will be easier to get the texture you want.

Pre-shampoo to encourage hair growth

Carrot oil masks are good for the hair.

Do you want a mask that is easy to use and that gives exceptional results? If so, try this third mask. In addition to being simple, it only takes a few minutes before your daily shower.


  • 1 teaspoon carrot oil (5 g)
  • Olive oil (8 g)
  • 1 vitamin E capsule


  • Combine the two oils, add the vitamin E capsule and rub your hands together to warm them up.
  • Apply all over the hair and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.

An alternative to this mask is to mix these ingredients directly into your shampoo. If you do this, you should double or triple the amount of ingredients, depending on the amount of shampoo.

We think you will like this: Two shampoos and two masks you can make at home to detoxify your hair

4. Mask for oily hair

Mask for oily hair.

The recipes we have already given you are good for promoting growth in those with dry hair. However, hair loss also affects those with oily hair.

If you have oily hair, try this mask. The egg white will absorb excess oil in your hair. The plum will help keep the hair hydrated and soft.


  • 1 completely raw egg
  • 1 teaspoon carrot oil (5 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture all over your hair using a brush.
  • Pay special attention to the scalp.
  • Let it sit for 25 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

If your hair is very oily, you should check the ingredients in your shampoo and other hair products. It is common for some products such as wax, jelly and styling creams to contain some oils in the ingredients.

Take the time to look at all the ingredients and avoid those that contain a lot of oil. With the carrot oil you get the necessary moisture.

5. Relaxing and clarifying lemon mask

Oil masks of carrot and lemon.

Do you suffer from hair loss due to hair dyes or bleach ? Our first recommendation is that you stop damaging your hair.

The chemicals used in commercial dyes and bleaches, such as peroxide, weaken the scalp and roots.

We recommend that you look for options to change your hair color. If you want lighter hair, you can use the following mask to help hair growth.


  • The juice from 10 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon carrot oil (5 g)
  • ½ cup chamomile tea (100 ml)


  • Mix the ingredients and add them to a spray bottle.
  • Shake the spray bottle and apply the solution to your hair every day before showering.
  • Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash your hair as normal.
  • If you want to darken your hair, replace lemon juice with a tablespoon of activated charcoal and chamomile with black tea.

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