Two Ingredients To Fight Acid Reflux And Gastritis

At the slightest sign of heartburn, drink half a glass of this remedy. It can be used as a preventative measure after a large meal.
Two ingredients to combat acid reflux and gastritis

Do you suffer from acid reflux and gastritis? At some point in life, many people will experience an uncomfortable burning sensation at the point where the esophagus meets the stomach.

For most people it is just a simple reaction to certain foods, while for others it is a symptom of a disorder that is chronic and difficult to treat.

This condition is known as gastritis, and the symptoms are caused by an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is what protects the body from very acidic gastric juice.

This weakening of the gastric mucosa increases the risk of developing stomach ulcers and digestive problems such as pain, inflammation and acid regurgitation.

Those diagnosed with this disorder need to change their lifestyle and improve their eating habits.

Although there are many drugs out there today that can help alleviate many of the symptoms, it is always best to choose natural alternatives to avoid the risk of adverse side effects.

Fortunately, there are many organic ingredients that are full of properties that can accelerate the improvement of this problem.

Such a solution combines soothing aloe vera with the healing properties of honey to quickly relieve discomfort.

Remedy with honey and aloe vera against acid reflux and gastritis

The combination of aloe vera and honey results in a natural treatment that is effective against symptoms of acid regurgitation and gastritis.

Below we will give you a look at all the benefits of these two healing ingredients.

Benefits of aloe vera


The aloe vera plant, and especially the jelly that is inside the leaves, has been valued for centuries for its ability to reduce inflammation and regulate digestion.

It contains a substance called aloin, which has a strong laxative effect to facilitate the expulsion of accumulated waste products in the intestine.

Plant mucus, an active compound in aloe vera, covers and protects the gastric mucosa to soothe wounds, inflammation and acid.

The healing properties of aloe vera are not only good for the skin, but also stimulate the regeneration of a damaged mucous membrane.

It has an alkalizing effect that regulates the pH value in the stomach to calm acid reflux and gastritis.

Benefits of honey


Honey is a natural product that is valued for its many medicinal uses.

It is rich in fructose and glucose, two monosaccharides that are easily absorbed by the intestinal mucosa to give the body more energy.

Honey is a natural source of fiber, vitamins and minerals that support digestion and reduce bloating.

It is currently not known which of the active compounds calms gastritis, but some experts suggest that it may be honey’s ability to destroy pathogens that cause improvements in the disease.

How do you prepare this natural remedy to fight acid reflux and gastritis?

aloe vera drink

The combination of aloe vera and honey is a natural alternative to conventional drugs, and it relieves gastritis and inflammation without the risk of adverse side effects.

Not only will this remedy reduce the burning discomfort, but also regulate the pH of the stomach and prevent damage due to excess gastric juices.


  • 1½ cups water
  • 3 tbsp aloe vera jelly
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Rinse the aloe vera stem in water and open it with a knife.
  • Use a spoon to scrape out the gel from the inside.
  • When ready, mix the aloe vera gel with honey and water in a blender.
  • Can be divided into two to three doses.


  • At the first symptoms of gastritis, drink half a glass of this liquid, up to twice daily.
  • As a preventative measure, you can drink half a glass after a large meal.
  • Remember that you should not take more than the recommended amount, as the laxative effect can give unwanted results.

If you drink this remedy and have a balanced diet, you will notice an improvement within a few weeks.

Try to stick to healthy habits to prevent a recurring disorder.

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