What Is Horsetail And What Is This Plant Good For?

Horseradish is known for its diuretic properties, but the benefits to the body go far beyond this. It is just as good for the inside as for the outside of the body!
What is horsetail and what is this plant good for?

What is horsetail? Horseradish is a plant with many medicinal and therapeutic benefits.  It has many other Norwegian names as well, such as reel, fox butt, cat butt, peanut or stucco.

To understand all the health benefits that this plant has to offer, we must begin by explaining its excellent uses. These range from an anti-inflammatory treatment for wounds and bruises, to creams and preparations to combat premature aging.

Horsetail grows naturally near water sources: swamps, lakes, rivers or aquifers. It is known to be a prehistoric plant that is common these days in different parts of the world, from large regions of Asia, Europe and North Africa, to North America. Horseradish stands out for its numerous benefits for many conditions.

In this article we will show you the best collection of information about horsetail and what this plant is good for: its uses, composition and more!

What is horseradish and what is it good for?


Horsetail is a type of plant that never stops growing. Basically, they do not follow a growth cycle due to the seasons or the location. Its roots extend deep into the ground and it sprouts tubercles that are very specific to this plant species.

Among the characteristics attributed to horseradish are the following. It:

  • Helps regenerate the skin.
  • Is a powerful natural cleanser.
  • Is rich in vitamins D and E.
  • Contains proteins and amino acids (essential in the preparation of anti-aging ointments or creams).
  • Is known as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Is useful for healthy weight loss.

Chemical composition

This plant contains a rich combination of chemical elements that make it ideal for treating various pains:

  • Minerals : Silicon, manganese, aluminum and potassium.
  • Phyto-nutrients : Saponin, phytosterol, phenolic acid, caffeic acid, alkaloids, tannins and bioflavonoids.

Health benefits


In general, horseradish is recommended to treat a wide range of symptoms and to combat small to moderate health conditions.


Thanks to the plant’s properties, it contributes to faster healing of open wounds. It is especially effective for those who take longer to heal than they should. The proteins that make this possible are called “tannins”. They work to complete the formation of new, healthy tissue. In addition, it is  an excellent natural astringent plant, and it has no negative effects on your skin.

Antibacterial and antifungal

A recent study shows that essential oil made from horseradish fights, eliminates and reduces the reproduction and reproduction of bacteria such as E. coli or Salmonella enteritidis. In addition, it also has the ability to fight various strains of fungi, such as Candida albicans.

A remarkable analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent

The components of horseradish help to counteract inflammation in the tissues caused by swelling or trauma. Furthermore, it acts as a mild analgesic for pain of mild intensity.

Aesthetic use


Now you are familiar with the different uses of horseradish. But maybe we can now look at why this herb really has such a good reputation.

Believe it or not, horseradish also has many benefits for your hair and skin.

  • This plant is perfect for hair care and to stimulate growth.
  • As a natural antifungal agent, it prevents excessive growth or deterioration of the cuticle and is ideal for strengthening the nails.

In addition, it regenerates the skin:

  • The high silicon content helps to  accelerate the function of skin cells so that they can be regenerated faster.
  • Thanks to the vitamin D and E content, your skin will also look younger, more elastic and healthier.

Disadvantages and interactions with medications

Horseradish is a fantastic plant with very many medicinal and aesthetic uses. However, one must be especially careful when mixing medicine and other drugs.

When it comes to consuming horseradish, it is not recommended to do this for more than 6 weeks. After this period, the body develops resistance to the components and neutralizes the effect.

Any excessive consumption of horseradish will be visible in the digestive tract and the body’s mucous membrane. You should also be extremely careful and avoid taking it if you are allergic to aspirin.

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