Seven Beautiful Lullabies For Babies

Lullabies for infants have a monotonous rhythm that is soothing and relaxing, to resemble heartbeats. Discover seven of the best here!
Seven beautiful lullabies for babies

Have you ever thought about how important lullabies are for babies? Although it does not seem that way, they are a wonderful tool that can help build an emotional dialogue between mother and child. They also have a relaxing effect on your baby.

Children who grow up with music learn to coexist with their environment in a better way. This in turn will lead to more harmonious communication with others.

From birth, infants can remember melodies they heard in the womb, at least during their first year of life. They associate the melodies in lullabies with a state of peace and quiet. 

Lullabies for Infants: Which Are The Best?

Lullabies for infants are one of the best ways parents can show their love and affection. Many studies suggest that lullabies are a universal language between mothers and children.

This is because women all over the world use the same tone to sing or hum to their children. These harmonies make children relax so much that it even helps them fall asleep. 

Although there are thousands of lullabies for infants, we have decided to share a list of seven of the best.

1. Hush, little child

The tune of this lullaby will help your infant sleep through the night.

2. Blink, blink star lill

The seven best lullabies for infants.

The story of this star will help your infant fall asleep. You can also sing it for your child while bathing to ensure a peaceful and quiet environment.

3. So ro lillemann

This is one of the most popular lullabies  for infants in Norway.

4. Lullabies for infants: Brahms lullaby

This lullaby has a beautiful melody and is a little more complex than the others, making it more interesting to learn and sing.

5. Over the rainbow

This is a beautiful lullaby from the movie The Wizard of Oz , which you should definitely add to your repertoire!

6. Lullabies for infants: When the troll mother has laid her eleven little trolls

This is a famous lullaby that shows the tenderness of a mother when she is going to put her children to bed.

7. Bæ, bæ, little lamb

The seven best lullabies for infants.

This song is fun and will help your child fall asleep peacefully.

Lullabies for infants: Conclusion

Bedtime can be a challenge for parents. Some children and infants resist bedtime routines and end up changing the whole family’s sleep pattern. One of the tools you can use to help them fall asleep is lullabies for infants.

Their relaxing and calming effect lies in their monotonous rhythms, which help to lower the baby’s heart rate.

Parents who sing lullabies give love and security to their children. It makes them feel protected and leads to a long-term, emotional development.

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