11 Ways To Use Banana Peels: Stop Throwing Them!

When it comes to your health, the benefits of using banana peel both topically and in an infusion will be noticeable.
11 ways to use banana peels: stop throwing them!

Bananas are one of the most eaten fruits throughout the year. This is not only because they are available all year round, but because they taste good and have a high nutritional value. In addition, one can use banana peels in countless ways.

Bananas have a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This makes them one of the best foods to supplement your diet.

But what many do not even realize is that the part we usually throw away, the banana peel, contains important properties that also provide incredible benefits.

In fact, the banana peel contains more fiber than the pulp in the bananas, and it provides amino acids that are important for the body.

It tastes as good as the fruit, and it’s worth learning all the benefits you can get from it, along with alternative ways to use it.

Let’s get started!

1. Headache

banana peel can be used for headaches

The high potassium content concentrated in the banana peel is a good remedy for common headaches.

You can consume it using a decoction, or you can even place it on your forehead and neck for a relaxing effect.

2. Warts

The white part of the shell is a fantastic solution for the uncomfortable warts that appear on different parts of the body.

This effect is not immediate, but by applying banana peel directly to the wart every day with a plaster, you will solve your problem in just a few days.


One of the most important things you can do to solve constipation and other digestive problems is to increase your fiber intake.

Because banana peels contain more fiber than the banana itself, you can use banana peel in the form of a tea or have it in a smoothie to help improve your condition.

4. You can use banana peel against pimples

you can use banana peel against pimples

The substances found in the white part of the banana peel are a good remedy for acne, pimples and blackheads.

Rub it on twice a day. The pimple will dry out faster, the inflammation in the skin will go back and your pores will be less blocked.

5. Whiter teeth

Although it does not seem like a professional teeth whitening, you can rub the banana peel on your teeth to help reduce the yellow discoloration.

By using banana peel daily, you will remove impurities that stick to the enamel of your teeth. After several weeks, they will give you more shiny teeth.

6. Insect bite

banana peel can be used on insect bites

You can also use banana peel on insect bites. Rub a small piece of banana peel on your insect pieces. This can reduce inflammation and itching.

This is one of the oldest remedies available for mosquito bites.

7. Bruises

The restorative properties of banana peel are useful in speeding up the healing of wounds and bruises.

Consuming it as a tea will help improve blood circulation. It has a calming effect when applied topically.

8. Furniture plaster

The back of the banana peel can be used to polish leather and wood furniture, kitchen utensils and other things that lose their luster due to dust.

You only need to rub the object with the shell for three minutes. Then wipe immediately with a clean cloth.

9. Banana peel to improve your mood

banana peel improves mood

Banana peels have a concentrated and large amount of the essential amino acid known as tryptophan. This is related to an increase in the production of serotonin.

The right levels of this neurotransmitter allow us to be enthusiastic and in a good mood, and it also allows us to experience well-being.

A cup of banana peel tea is a good solution for stress and depressive conditions.

10. Shiny shoes

It is also possible to use banana peel to give shine to matte or abused shoes. In this case, it has a similar effect as with furniture. Just rub the shoes with the shell and rub it off with a cloth.

We recommend:
7 tips to prevent your shoes from giving you chafing

11. Cardiovascular health

banana peel for high blood pressure

Phosphorus and potassium found in banana peels are a good solution for high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

These essential minerals protect the health of blood vessels,  improve circulation, and prevent bad cholesterol from oxidizing over the years.

It is important to point out that they do not replace the non-prescribed medications to control these conditions, but regular intake can be a good supplement to keep the levels where they should be.

But remember!

To get the best results, we recommend using fresh banana peels. As soon as they have been stored in the refrigerator, they lose an important part of their properties.

If you want to save them for a day or two, it is best to place them in a cool place, away from heat sources or direct sunlight.

Before ingesting them, make sure you wash them very well to remove all manure from the environment and distribution areas.

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