5 Key Points To Improve Brain Health With Breakfast

To improve the health of your brain, it is important that you, from breakfast onwards, include nutrients that help provide energy and stimulate the flow of oxygen to the brain.
5 key points to improve brain health with breakfast

In 2014, a very interesting book was published:  SharpBrains: How to Invest in Your Brain .” In this book, the authors explained how you can improve your brain health and your ability to enjoy a better quality of life. Through 11 key strategies, the book explains elements that most of us already know about, but not many of us put into practice. In fact, one of these important points is the importance of important nutrition and of eating breakfast to improve brain health.

It is easy to make the mistake of not removing sugar from your diet. We believe that by doing this, you can do a great deal for your health. However, it is difficult to be successful with this. Just remember that in fair and adequate amounts, glucose is important as energy for your brain.

So much so that you should keep a certain percentage in mind: 20%. This is the level of energy that your brain needs in relation to the rest of your body. As you can see, there is a significant amount. Deficits have their consequences. So why not improve your quality of life by starting with breakfast? We have to explain how.

Improve brain health: 5 foods you should not miss

Your lifestyle partly determines your ability to avoid events as a stroke. This is one of the main causes of death and permanent disability in today’s population. We know, of course, that no one can prevent a stroke by 100%, and that strokes themselves can affect young people, as well as those who maintain very healthy habits.

However, this is something worth keeping in mind. If the health of your brain is good, you may be better able to recover from a stroke. The brain is like a muscle. If you exercise it, you get something in cognitive reserves, in neuroplasticity, in flexibility…  One way to do this is by choosing food carefully. Let’s see what ingredients you should add to your breakfast.

1. The power of a seed: Chia seeds to improve brain health


Chia seeds are a food with a low calorie content, and they can give you lots of omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for better brain health.
  • And do not forget that chia seeds contain more calcium than milk, three times more antioxidants than fresh blueberries, and three times more iron than spinach. They are amazing!
  • Their high potassium and fiber content also makes chia seeds one of the best ingredients to start your day.

2. Improve brain health with avocado

3-avocado smoothie

Too many calories? Sure. Will avocado make you fat and raise your cholesterol? Never.

As with everything else in life, the key is in balance. Avocados improve the blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain. It is enough to eat only a quarter of an avocado a day to get many benefits.

  • Healthy fat in avocados helps you maintain strong and flexible arteries.
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados protect the cells in the nerves known as “astrocytes.”
  • Astrocytes facilitate communication between nerves and cells in the brain.
  • Another interesting fact is that avocado oil can help provide care for brain function.
  • This fruit is great for protecting yourself from the onset of a stroke because it lowers blood pressure.

3. Green tea and antioxidants

Green tea has eight times more polyphenols than fruits and vegetables. Catechins in green tea are the key to promoting brain health. Thanks to the antioxidant and vitamin C content, you protect yourself from the possibility of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Something as simple as drinking a cup of green tea for breakfast every day will give you benefits you will notice in the long run.

4. Oatmeal with unsweetened cocoa

This is a winning combination that you can enjoy two to three times a week. You simply add a piece of unsweetened dark chocolate to your cup of oatmeal and just… enjoy it.

When you combine oats with chocolate, you get the following essential nutrients for your brain:

  • Vitamins (A, B complex, C and D)
  • Minerals (silica for connective tissue, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron)
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids

5. Blueberries, the best fruit for the brain

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Blueberries are the type of berry that is most rich in tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanins. This type of antioxidant has an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • You can also eat them to lower your cholesterol and promote better connections between neurons to improve your ability to learn.
  • Although it is not always easy to find them when it is not the season for them, you can keep them at home once you have found them in the store.

If you get used to including them in your breakfast, you will improve your memory. It’s worth it!

To conclude: Starting the day with a good breakfast helps to improve the health of your brain. However, remember to always avoid having a sedentary lifestyle, reduce stress, and maintain a curious attitude toward life.

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