7 Surprising Uses For Honey

In addition to being a natural sweetener, honey has several other uses – both internally and externally. It can help you alleviate several types of ailments without having to resort to medication
7 surprising uses for honey

Honey is a medicinal food that has several uses: it helps to treat wounds, facilitates healing, moisturizes the skin, cleanses the hair, can be used as a cough syrup and improves digestion. In today’s article you will discover some surprising and effective uses for honey. In addition, you will learn simple and easy ways to prepare honey for these uses at home.

Surprising uses for honey

How to choose a good honey


Not all honey is the same. There are several different types, with different flavors and color shades. To take full advantage of all its uses for honey, you should choose a raw honey that has not been exposed to high temperatures.

When you buy honey, you should put the glass with it in hot water so that it has a liquid form. In addition, it is recommended that you buy a honey of the highest quality, either natural or organic, to ensure that no chemicals have been added to preserve it.

1. Heal wounds

Have you ever had a wound or burn that you wanted to heal naturally and effectively?

By applying honey to a wound, you will kill bacteria and microbes. This is because this ingredient  contains anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate our immune system. In addition, it fights irritation, relieves pain and speeds up the healing process.

All that is required of you is that you let the honey dry on the wound, and then you continue to repeat this process until the wound heals.

2. Mask for the skin

3-honey mask

Honey is an excellent natural ingredient for maintaining the skin’s natural moisture.

Unlike oil, this food prevents the skin from drying out, without creating an oily texture, making it a perfect choice for a mask for all skin types: dry skin, combination skin, and oily skin.

Skin with acne can also benefit from this ingredient due to its antibacterial properties.

You should apply a thin layer of honey all over your face and leave it on for 30 minutes. After this time has passed, rinse the skin with warm water and dry afterwards.

3. A natural shampoo

If you are looking for a completely natural shampoo for washing your hair, try a tablespoon of honey diluted in 200 ml of water. This 100% natural shampoo helps regulate oil production, fight dandruff, keep hair hydrated, and give it shine and softness.

If you prefer to use regular shampoo, you can also use this treatment as a conditioner or hair mask.

4. As a base for cough syrup

Honey is the best natural remedy for coughs. You can easily make a homemade cough syrup using this healthy ingredient, which is a much better option than using sugar.

In addition, you can add ingredients such as lemon or orange peel, ginger, cinnamon and thyme to your cough syrup.

5. Regulation of the intestines

Honey is a great remedy for the intestines and it acts as a mild laxative to ease the bowel movement while fighting intestinal parasites. To enhance its effects, every morning before breakfast, warm a cup of water and add a tablespoon of honey and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

6. Improve digestion

4-honey tea

Honey is a medicinal remedy for many digestive problems such as heartburn or stomach ulcers. It regulates the secretion of gastric juice, while its anti-inflammatory effect helps to heal and replace the digestive mucous membranes.

You can consume this food before your meals by mixing it with a little mashed potatoes to give it a sweeter taste. This is a great remedy for wounds and excess acid production.

In addition, it can be used to prevent and treat progressive liver and gallbladder problems. All in all, it is an excellent food to improve digestion.

7. Help you sleep better

Are you struggling with nervousness or insomnia? Honey is the solution. In addition to being rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, this ingredient contains sugar which naturally increases insulin levels and produces serotonin. This hormone is closely linked to your mood, and it gives you a feeling of well-being.

Every night you can add a spoonful of honey to a cup of tea or a glass of oat milk.

Now you have read about several surprising uses for honey, so if you do not have a glass in the cupboard now, you should get one.

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