The Best Breakfasts Are Packed With Energy

Since it is the first and most important meal of the day, it is a good idea to include foods that will help you get enough energy to get started. Take a look at some of the best breakfasts!
The best breakfasts are packed with energy

You may feel that you do not have enough “fuel” in the morning – it may be difficult for you to start the day, and you are a zombie until lunch, or even for dinner. It is possible that you are missing some important nutrients from your first meal. In today’s article we will share some of the best breakfasts that will help you get a lot of energy from early in the day.

What are the best breakfasts packed with energy?

Healthy breakfast

Many people do not know how important it is to eat breakfast to have adequate energy throughout the day. You may be used to just drinking a cup of coffee while putting on clothes or putting on make-up, or even leaving the house on an empty stomach.

If you want more energy, it is important that you consume healthy carbohydrates – sources of glucose that your body can turn into fuel. The best thing about these foods is that they give you energy much longer and will not add too many calories to your diet.

We also recommend eating a lot of low-fat protein, as well as fruit smoothies, especially in the summer, to give your body the nutrients it needs to start the day with the batteries fully charged.

Certain alternatives to lactose, such as almond and oat milk, are excellent ways to avoid the high amounts of fat and cholesterol that can be found in dairy products (especially “whole” types).

A good breakfast has many benefits. It helps your appetite, as well as starting your metabolism and preventing you from eating too much during the day. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, a nutritious breakfast will help you lose weight and reduce your appetite, as long as you choose healthy foods such as fruits and whole grains.

If you are not used to eating a lot in the morning, you can start adding more food, little by little. It is also important to eat dinner early and go to bed at least three hours after your last meal. This will cause you to wake up hungry, making it easier to eat a full breakfast.

The best breakfasts for more energy: some preparation tips

Healthy breakfast

When you do not eat breakfast in the morning, you force your body to tap into the energy savings.

Remember that after spending seven or more hours without food while sleeping, the fuel from the previous day has been used overnight. When you get up, charge the batteries.

  • A good breakfast (which is healthy and rich in energy) should include protein, slow-acting carbohydrates and fruits or vegetables.
  • It is very important to choose whole grain products and cereals with a high fiber content to avoid running out of energy in the middle of the morning.
  • If you have to eat breakfast along the way, you can also include a hard-boiled egg or a handful of nuts.
  • We recommend avoiding the consumption of processed foods because they increase cholesterol levels.
  • Try to eat Greek yogurt at least three times a week (for the protein content) and make sure that each serving contains less than five grams of sugar.

Five foods for an energizing breakfast

You may find it difficult to eat five different ingredients so early in the day. Over time, however, you will recognize the benefits of a breakfast that is rich in protein and low in fat.

It is not only good for you on a physical level, but also emotionally. There is nothing better than sharing a moment with your family before starting your daily tasks. When it comes to foods that you should include in your breakfast, they are:

1. Coffee

Although some people have a negative opinion about this drink, the truth is that when you consume the right amount, coffee can be a great way to increase energy levels. Caffeine helps improve mood and increase mental performance. It also reduces the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion and increases metabolism.

NB! The suggested amount is one cup in the morning and another in the afternoon.

2. Nuts

Nuts are very rich in protein, healthy fats and fiber. Although they contain quite a few calories, they help you feel full longer, so you avoid unnecessary snacks.

Nuts contain vitamin E, magnesium and manganese. They reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease and go well with yogurt or milk.

3. Eggs

These are also considered to be bad for your health. However, if you eat them cooked, you will be giving your body six grams of healthy protein that will reduce body fat (especially around the belly).

Including an egg in your breakfast will improve brain function, balance cholesterol levels, and even prevent  macular degeneration. In addition, you will avoid consuming extra calories during the day.

4. Flaxseed


These small seeds contain many nutrients, and should therefore be included in some of the best breakfasts you make. Flaxseed contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B1, fiber and magnesium (among other minerals). A tablespoon of flaxseed mixed with a smoothie or yogurt can lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

5. Oats

This is an important part of a healthy and energizing breakfast. You can eat oats with yogurt, milk or juice, either as oatmeal or combined with granola.

It provides many nutrients, including fiber, iron and magnesium. Without a doubt, one of the biggest benefits of oats is that they reduce food needs. You will feel full for several hours and thus  avoid unwanted appetite before lunch.

Other foods you should include to make the best breakfasts are:

  • Yogurt (preferably Greek yogurt)
  • Fresh fruit (in the form of juice, smoothie or raw)
  • Cottage cheese (cottage cheese)
  • Green tea (to cut down on caffeine)

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