7 Ways To Control High Blood Sugar

Although it may not seem related, elevated stress levels can affect blood sugar levels and lead to an imbalance in blood sugar.
7 ways to control high blood sugar levels

Do you have a high blood sugar level? In fact, blood sugar levels have risen dramatically around the world in recent decades due to increased sugar intake.

There are countless sugary products on the market, such as: soda, candy, chocolate, cakes, etc. There are even products you would never suspect to contain sugar, such as salt biscuits, pasta and finished products.

These types of foods have affected the health of many and are one of the main causes of the following conditions:

  • Obesity
  • Glucose intolerance
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Overweight

High blood sugar levels

Hyperglycemia is when blood sugar levels are too high; It is the result of a lack or insufficient amount of insulin.

  • The first step is to check your glucose levels with a glucose meter.
  • If your levels are higher than 180 mg / dl you should consult a doctor immediately, as this can lead to serious health problems.

Check and lower your blood sugar level

1. Lower your daily sugar intake

  • Choose low glycemic foods and pay attention to the type and amount of ingredients they contain.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Aim to eat healthy, varied and balanced meals and avoid foods that are high in fat.
  • Include protein and slow carbs as whole grains in your meals.

2. Add flaxseed to your diet

Flaxseed can be consumed whole, as a tea or as an oil. Flaxseed provides many health benefits such as:

  • A lower risk of heart disease
  • Cancer prevention
  • Reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL)

Exercise daily

Exercises on the floor

Physical activity regulates blood sugar levels , as muscles burn glucose to create energy to move and this leads to less sugar in the blood. Be sure to measure your levels regularly to determine which exercise is best for you and to avoid a sudden drop in your blood sugar level.

4. Stay hydrated

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This helps keep all the cells in the body hydrated, which lowers sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Staying hydrated is essential for good kidney function, which is responsible for cleansing the blood of excess sugar and waste products through the urine.

  • Water and calorie-free drinking habits are most recommended.
  • Avoid sweet drinks, as they can lead to weight gain and an elevated blood sugar level.

5. Manage your stress level

Stressed woman

Stress can affect blood sugar levels, and this applies to both physical stress and mental stress, such as fatigue, worries, problems at work, etc. Relaxation and meditation reduces stress and lowers blood sugar levels, and provides many benefits for body and soul.

Exercises and relaxation methods:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Awareness

The above suggestions are very helpful when it comes to lowering sugar levels as well as improving overall health.

6. Get enough sleep if you have a high blood sugar level

Adequate rest is essential for maintaining good health. Poor sleep habits affect, among other things, blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. As such, this can increase appetite and lead to weight gain.

7. Add cinnamon to your diet


Cinnamon offers many health benefits and can be consumed in stick or powder form. Some studies show that it can lower blood sugar levels by as much as 29%. Cinnamon behaves a bit like insulin, only much slower.

Some recommendations at the end if you have a high blood sugar level

  • Talk to your doctor  before making any lifestyle or food changes.
  • There are many natural options for lowering blood sugar levels that have no side effects.
  • It’s nice to lose weight and eat balanced meals.
  • Measure your blood sugar level regularly.
  • You will need to undergo a blood test to measure the levels you are at, your doctor will advise you.

If in doubt, you can consult a nutritionist who can recommend the diet that is right for you. A balanced and healthy diet in accordance with a good lifestyle is essential to prevent disease and to stay in good shape.

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