Discover How To Clean Leather Shoes: 5 Useful Tips

Leather shoes require special care to stay in optimal condition. Take a look at these 5 interesting tips and tricks to clean them.
Discover how to clean leather shoes: 5 useful tips

Cleaning leather shoes can be a tedious task when you are not familiar with the proper technique. There are special commercial products for cleaning leather shoes. However, it is good to know a few tricks to make your leather shoes look spotless and smooth without spending too much money.

Are you interested in knowing what these tips are?

Here are some cleaning methods that will help you remove dirt from your shoes so that they will look soft and shiny. Best of all, you do not have to buy conventional products, as these methods use natural cleaning ingredients.

5 tips for cleaning leather shoes

The best way to keep leather shoes in perfect condition is to do some maintenance on them after each use. Although we sometimes ignore it, the surfaces of our shoes collect traces of dirt that can accelerate the destruction of the material.

So, what are some simple ways to clean leather shoes?

1. You can clean leather shoes with a brush or cloth

Professional shoemaker with many pairs of clean leather shoes

The first recommendation for cleaning leather shoes is to remove dirt from the surface using a soft brush or cloth. If the shoes have laces, it is best to wash them separately with soap and water so that they are completely clean.

  • Brush in several directions, while pressing lightly to release the attached dust and dirt.
  • To finish, rub the footwear with a clean, dry cloth.

2. Try water and clear vinegar

A solution of water and clear vinegar can help remove stains that make the surface of this type of footwear look dull and uneven.

However , it is important to use it evenly over, not just on the stain, as it may end up leaving edges.

  • After applying this solution to the footwear, wipe them with a clean, soft cloth and keep them in the sun only until they are dry.

Use olive oil to clean leather shoes

Olive oil is useful for cleaning leather shoes.

Applying olive oil on leather shoes can make them smoother and more shiny.

Therefore, if they have got a dull and dirty look, you must try this trick. It is ideal for replacing wax and other types of special shoe care products.

  • Apply a few drops of oil on the shoes and rub them with a clean, soft cloth.

4. Try talcum powder on grease stains

Grease stains are usually quite noticeable on leather surfaces. Fortunately, they can be easily removed using talcum powder. This ingredient absorbs fat and prevents it from creating unevenness in the material.

  • To begin with, wipe the grease stain with a clean, dry cotton cloth until the moisture disappears. Be careful when cleaning the grease, because if you rub it too much you can spread the stain.
  • Then apply the talcum powder on the desired area and let it sit overnight.
  • The next morning, shake your shoes and remove the residue with a soft brush.

5. Use banana peel

Did you know that you can clean leather shoes with a banana peel?

Although you often throw them in the trash often, banana peels can be used for other purposes at home. The compounds they have on the inside help to remove the residues that accumulate on the skin, so that the surface becomes shiny.

  • Take a banana peel and rub the white part on the shoes.
  • Then polish with a cotton cloth until the residue is gone.
  • Finally put them to dry outside in the fresh air.

How to clean the inside of leather shoes

Talcum powder in the shoes

After cleaning the outside of your leather shoes, it is time to clean the inside to prevent the spread of bacteria and bad smells . While you may have a tendency to overlook it, sweat and bacteria that stay in your shoes are the cause of the unwanted odors and infections.


  • Dampen a cloth with water and a few drops of ammonia to begin with.
  • Then rub the inside of the shoes and let them dry in the shade.
  • Later, when the shoes are already dry, pour a generous amount of baking soda inside the shoes. Shake them until you have evenly distributed the baking soda in the shoes.
  • Leave the baking soda in overnight. The next morning, remove the residue.
  • Finally, remember to have some talcum powder on your feet before using the shoes to prevent future bad smells!

Are you still not cleaning your leather shoes?

Write down these simple tricks and make your leather shoes look as good as when they were new. As you can see, these tips and tricks are very simple and do not require much money!

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