Alternative Uses For Ice Cubes

Discover how to take advantage of some alternative uses for ice cubes.
Alternative uses for ice cubes

In addition to cooling down or decorating your drinks when it is hot outside, ice cubes have many other uses that will be very useful when you discover them.

Keep reading to find out so you can enjoy them all!

What are the uses for ice cubes?

Ice cubes can be used for health, appearance and even the home. Here are some of the most interesting uses:

1. Remove chewing gum from clothes

Remove chewing gum from fabric

If you have ever sat on chewing gum, if you have had chewing gum stuck in your hair, or if it has fallen on your rug, do not worry because ice cubes can help you!

  • All you have to do is rub it with ice until the chewing gum hardens from the frozen ice.
  • Then gently scrape it off with a knife.

The chewing gum will loosen quickly. If it is too tight, you can put the laundry in the freezer for a few minutes and try again.

If the chewing gum is stuck in your hair, you can use a similar technique. Rub the entire chewing gum with an ice cube and apply a light pressure so that the chewing gum freezes and stops being sticky. Then you have to pick it out, little by little.

2. Water plants

Water plants

If you have hanging plants or traveling away for the weekend, you will have no problem watering them. You can leave some ice cubes in the plants. They melt little by little and give moisture to the soil.

3. Moisten your face

Your face does not only need moisture when it is hot outside or you have spent some time in the sun. If you feel bloated or red, ice cubes can be a great help to you.

  • Fill a plastic bag with ice before going to bed.
  • Pull it over your face and neck, for no more than 3 minutes.

In addition, this technique will help you sleep better.

4. Applications for ice cubes: Heat rice or pasta

uses for ice cubes

If you have leftovers from the night before and you want to heat them up in the microwave, you may want to give up because the food is not holding up well.

To prevent the rice or pasta from drying out in the microwave and tasting bad, put an ice cube on top and then put it in the microwave to heat it up all you need to do. It melts and keeps the food moist and tasty.

5. Smooth out the dents in the carpet

When a piece of furniture is on your carpet for a few months or years, it can leave a dent that is difficult to hide. These marks from the sofa, table or other heavy furniture are not pleasing to the eye.

You can solve this problem if you place some ice cubes on top of the marks. Once they are melted, brush out the carpet and you will see how the mark disappears.

6. Applications for ice cubes: Get rid of wrinkles and pimples

Applications for ice cubes: Get rid of wrinkles and pimples

Ice cubes can be an effective treatment for pimples and expression lines. Wash your face thoroughly every night, wrap an ice cube in a clean towel and apply to the affected area for 5 minutes.

The next day, the pimples will have been significantly reduced. In case of wrinkles , the cold stimulates blood circulation. You can massage your skin with an ice cube every day to reduce existing lines of expression and wrinkles or prevent new ones from forming.

7. Reduce the taste of cough syrup

Although almost all the medications you can be prescribed come in the form of a pill, there are still some that come as syrup and do not have a good taste.

  • To avoid this, chew an ice cube a few seconds before drinking the cough syrup, so your tongue is numb and less sensitive to taste.

8. Wipe away creases in clothing

This trick can also help you with your clothes, such as shirts that easily get wrinkled.

  • Turn on the iron and wrap an ice cube in a towel.
  • Place it on the boards and iron them as normal.
  • In one swipe , the clothes no longer curl.

9. Reduce swollen eyes

If you have not slept well, cried a lot or done anything else to cause swelling in your eyes, ice cubes can be very helpful for you.

  • Just wrap the ice in a towel and lay over the eyelids for two minutes while massaging them with gentle circular motions.

10. Applications for ice cubes: Reduce pain from hair removal

Reduce pain from hair removal

If you use wax to remove hair, some areas can be extra painful. Tearing the hair from the roots is not very comfortable, but the good news is that you can reduce the pain with ice cubes.

Wrap some ice cubes in a towel and use it on the areas you want to grow.

This trick is effective in smaller areas such as the armpits or eyebrows. Another option is to apply the ice after shaving to soothe the stinging sensation.

11. Treat blisters or burns

If you have burned yourself on the oven or iron, or you have spent a few hours in the sun, you can relieve the pain, swelling and redness in your skin. In addition, you can prevent the formation of irritating blisters. Wrap ice cubes in a towel and place on the affected area.

You can also use ice for lesson pain from a blow or a fall. The cold closes your capillaries quickly, and the marks from the damage will be reduced.

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