3 Natural Peels For Face, Body And Hands

Are you looking for a natural peel for face, hands or body? Try these and remember that the skin is different in different parts of the body, so be sure to treat them in different ways too!
3 natural peels for face, body and hands

To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, you need to cleanse it of toxins and impurities to favor skin cell regeneration and moisturize it by using the right products. This is where natural peels can come in. Natural peels can help you renew skin cells while giving your skin very beneficial nutrients.

In today’s article, you will learn how to prepare three simple natural peels that are specific to your needs: face, hands and body.

Natural peels for the skin

3 natural peels for face, body and hands

The skin on your face is much more delicate than the rest of your body, so when choosing the products you want to use, keep in mind how fragile it is. In addition, you can choose certain ingredients over others, depending on skin type: whether you have oily skin, dry skin or combination skin. For the body, you can add ingredients to fight cellulite, stretch marks, poor circulation and more.

Exfoliation is an important step when it comes to having young and glowing skin, as it removes dead skin cells that give your skin a gray and dull appearance. It also increases circulation and prevents wrinkles.

1. Fruit for the face

3 natural peels for face, body and hands

The skin on your face is much more sensitive than the rest of your body, and suffers more from the direct influence of external factors: sunlight, wind, pollution, etc.

Therefore, we recommend that you use natural peels made with fruit. Although they will not give the feeling that they are scrubbing, their enzyme content helps to exfoliate your skin in a chemical way. Fruits are also not only pure, they provide vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial for your skin.

We recommend that you use the following natural peels:

  • Pineapple: For oily skin.
  • Kiwi:  For oily skin and combination skin.
  • Papaya: For combination skin and dry skin.
  • Bulb: For dry and sensitive skin.

Only use a piece of one of these fruits for a clean and dry face. Leave it on for a few minutes until it dries, then wash your face. You can use this once a week. It is normal to experience some itching from enzymes, but it should not be very bothersome.

2. Coconut oil and baking soda for the hands

3 natural peels for face, body and hands

The hands are a part of the body that shows signs of work and aging. They are not as sensitive as the face, nor do they suffer from stretch marks or cellulite like the rest of your body, but they are always prone to being outdoors and may suffer from poor circulation.

To create a special peeling for the hands, we recommend that you combine two wonderful ingredients: extra virgin coconut oil and baking soda. Coconut oil deeply nourishes and protects your skin, while baking soda gently and effectively activates circulation and scrubs the skin.

How do you use it?

  • Mix these two ingredients until you get a grainy mixture.
  • Coconut oil must be above 25 ÂșC to melt, so you may need to heat it up a bit.
  • Massage your hands with this product and rinse them well with warm water.

3. Sea salt and olive oil for the body

The body requires exfoliation with deeper measures to increase circulation, remove toxins, fight stretch marks and cellulite, and make it softer.

To achieve this, use two very effective ingredients.

  • Sea salt: You can choose different types of salt according to the area you want to exfoliate.
    • For example, for the buttocks or heels, we recommend using coarse salt. For the breast, however, a finer salt is preferred. In addition, sea salt provides minerals to your skin as long as it is not refined salt or table salt.
  • Olive oil: This oil is rich in essential fatty acids that nourish the skin and provide it with plenty of antioxidants.
    • It is very moisturizing, so if you have oily skin, we recommend that you replace it with coconut oil or jojoba oil, and add a little aloe vera gel.

Follow the same peeling steps as above with coconut oil and baking soda.

You can use this in the shower, where you can take advantage of the fact that the steam from the hot water opens your pores. When you dry yourself, you will notice that your skin is smooth and hydrated.

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