Poor Intestinal Health In 90% Of Diseases

Poor intestinal health in the colon can greatly affect the quality of life and even lead to various types of diseases, such as diabetes and chronic headaches. Cleansing that the colon is therefore good for the whole body. 
Poor intestinal health in 90% of diseases

Most people are not aware of this, but it is said that 90% of diseases and problems with weight gain are associated with poor intestinal health.

This organ plays an important role in your overall health, as it is the gut that cleanses the body of all toxins and unwanted waste. Over time, these substances can provoke serious health problems.

For those with poor digestion, large amounts of food waste often accumulate in the intestine, which can actually ferment and rot after more than two days due to exposure to high temperatures inside the body.

Toxins that accumulate in the intestine can be transported to the liver via the main artery and further distributed throughout the body through the blood, which often causes serious skin problems and various chronic diseases.

Problems caused by poor intestinal health

The intestine plays a very important role in the body’s natural cleansing system.

Even if you have good digestion as usual, it is still important to carry out a regular cleansing of the intestine to get rid of toxins and waste that has built up. If not, this can be absorbed into the blood vessels and lead to serious diseases.


2-abdominal pain

Among the many problems caused by poor intestinal health are:

  • Flatulence
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Constipation or slow stomach
  • Back pain or headache
  • Less energy
  • Weakened immune system
  • Poor appetite
  • Bad breath or body odor
  • Diarrhea
  • Stains on the skin
  • Acne or blackheads
  • Diabetes
  • Stress, insomnia and anxiety
  • Different types of cancer
  • Hair loss
  • Varicose veins

Why is it important to cleanse the colon?

3-bowel cleansing

Our modern lifestyle has had its consequences – such as problems with digestion and getting rid of waste. This has led to a greater accumulation of toxins and other waste that results in poor intestinal health.

Without eating healthy, exercising regularly and generally having a healthy lifestyle, digestion can have trouble getting rid of unnecessary by-products in the food you eat, which then accumulate in the gut.

This can result in the collection of 2 to 11 kilos of waste collected in the colon!

Bacteria and toxins then spread around the body through the blood vessels found in the walls of the intestine, which can result in chronic health problems in all the body’s most important organs.

How do you know your gut needs to be cleansed?

You can be sure that it is time for a bowel cleansing when you begin to experience revealing symptoms, such as:

  • Heavy stomach
  • Fatigue and energy loss
  • Gas and bloating
  • Slow stomach and excess stomach acid
  • Weight gain and cravings for sweets
  • Food allergy
  • Frequent headaches
  • Sleep problems
  • Bad breath and constant thirst
  • Frequent colds with thick mucus
  • Skin problems, including rash, pimples or dryness
  • Red eyes and rings under the eyes
  • Hair loss

How to clean the intestines?

4-abdominal pain

To cleanse the gut, it is important to change bad habits and be aware that you can practically poison the body by eating the wrong foods.

Here are some tips you can try to cleanse your digestive system and improve your overall health and quality of life:

  • Eat a healthy breakfast every day, especially foods rich in fiber and water.
  • Drink a glass of water with lemon juice on an empty stomach.
  • Improve your overall diet by increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and water.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes every day. This good habit is good for the whole body and also contributes to a good digestion.
  • In some cases, it may be helpful to empty the bowel with an enema. You can make this from coffee or just brine. The most important thing is that you learn to manage them properly to avoid any complications.

Special juice for bowel cleansing


In addition to the tips above, you can also cleanse the intestines using a combination of natural juices with cleansing properties. This juice combines the nutrients of pineapple, cucumber and aloe vera for an ideal intestinal cleanser.


  • 2 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 pineapple slices
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • Aloe vera gel


  • Squeeze the juice out of the oranges and lemon, and add this in a blender along with two slices of pineapple, a peeled and chopped cucumber, an apple and the jelly from a leaf aloe vera plant.
  • Mix all the ingredients for a few minutes, and add water if necessary. Drink this juice on an empty stomach for 15 days.

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