Simple Exercises To Relieve Stress And Improve Mood

Adapt these exercises to your own abilities, and do them every day to relieve your stress and improve your mood. Your mind and your body will thank you!
Simple exercises to relieve stress and improve mood

In our blog, we have suggested different training routines to strengthen the abdomen, buttocks or even tone the arm muscles a little more. A stronger, firmer and more flexible body is something a large part of the population is looking for. Nevertheless, today we want to concentrate on our emotions, by finding relief from stress and worries and improving the mood with simple exercises.

What we all know is that we do not all have time to go out and run, walk or have some fun in the pool to take care of our skeleton, our muscles and our joints, while we should have a relaxing mind. Maybe that’s why we can never get enough knowledge about what kind of simple exercises we can do in our own home, which can improve our mood a little more.

This routine is simple, it will not require any membership in a gym, and it will give you great benefits. You only need four things: a small blanket or a yoga mat, pillows, comfortable clothes, and willpower.

Simple exercises to relieve stress

Twenty minutes will be all it takes to feel better. The exercises we are going to do require focus, and that you are one with body, breath and emotions. We will work on your flexibility through adequate stretching exercises that allow you to escape the burdens we all tend to accumulate during the day.

If you take care of your breath and put all your attention on your body and on every move you make, you will find a balanced interior that will give you relief from your daily stress. We do not expect you to deepen yourself in the process, much less push your strength to the limit of burning fat. That is not the goal of this exercise routine.

The only thing we are looking for is to find a calm atmosphere between body and emotions.

1. Relax in the back, relax in the mind

Simple exercises

As you are about to discover, these are relaxing, simple exercises that are elementary and easy to perform. The first exercise we are going to do requires two pillows (or a pillow and a towel).

Then follow this sequence:

  • Lie flat on the floor.
  • Place a pillow under your back (your chest should be higher than your legs ).
  • Put another pillow under your head.
  • Stretch out your arms.
  • Cross your legs exactly as you see it done in the picture above, making sure your knees are on each side.
  • You will notice some tension in the waist and on the back.

Inhale for 10 seconds and hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale high. Hold this position for 5 minutes.

2. Lift the abdomen

Simple exercises

This exercise is also very relaxing. You need a small stool, or some firm pillows that allow you to raise your buttocks and abdominal muscles.

  • Once you have supported this area, keep your knees together.
  • Then stretch your arms out.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  • This position, where the head is at a lower level than the rest of the body, will provide better circulation to the brain.
  • Hold this position for 5 minutes and continue with the breathing exercise: Inhale for 10 seconds, hold the breath for 5 seconds and then exhale loudly.

3. Some balance: Legs up

Simple exercises

To do the following exercise, you will need a pillow and a cloth to cover your eyes and ease your breathing.

  • Stand in front of a wall and lie down so that you can stretch your legs up against the wall.
  • Place a pillow under your back.
  • Once again, your chest will be at a higher level than your head.
  • Cover your eyes with the cloth as you extend your arms.
  • Relax for 5 minutes, continue to do it again and do the breathing exercises mentioned before (inhale, hold, exhale)

4. Stretch your arms

Simple exercises

We end the training routine with a specific and at the same time beneficial stretch for the back, neck and arms.

We will do this within our capabilities and without exceeding them. Do the following:

  • Get on your knees on your chosen rug or yoga mat.
  • Place a pillow over your ankles, and gently bend your upper body back in a way that allows you to touch the pillow with your hands.
  • Maintain this position for one minute while noticing the strain in your arms.
  • Then, relax and return to normal position and repeat the exercise again.

In conclusion, these training routines will take about 20 minutes to complete.

There is no need to wear yourself out. The goal is that by stretching, stretching and breathing adequately, you can relax your body and relieve your mental state.

It is definitely worth trying some simple exercises like this!


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