A Person’s Greatness Lies In The Small Details

Sometimes the small details can mean much more than any grandiose action that is not done from the heart. These are the little gestures that elevate your state of being
A person's greatness lies in the small details

The small details, the small everyday gestures are the ones that create strong emotional bonds. These actions, from one gesture to another, allow your heart to form the strongest friendships or romantic relationships.

To understand the greatness of a person, it is not enough to just look at their appearance. In some cases, even their words will fail to reveal what is behind their attitude or talk.

A person’s true essence lies in the almost imperceptible things that develop every day. There is no doubt that you yourself are a good observer of these qualities.

In fact, it can be said that in order to build lasting and healthy bonds, it is important that you address the small details. This is where a person’s true roots are destined to grow.

That is why we recommend that you reflect with us on this topic that winds through so many of our interpersonal relationships.

We are sure you will find it useful.

The small details, the language of the heart

From the time we are children we learn social norms. They are built on respect, courtesy, and the kind of behavior we use to create (or at least try to create) the respectful substance inside that we want to live with each other.

But beyond the rules of politeness, beyond the limit of saying “thank you”, ” please ” or “good morning”,  it is this intimate consciousness where a true personality is created.

A person can easily be helpful and polite; but behind their facade there may be a hidden interest.

On the other hand, there are those who do not give extra thought to the small details. That way, they do not know if someone is a good or a bad person. They just value other types of behavior.

Let’s learn a little more.

Big actions and small details


Some people believe that love is demonstrated through grandiose actions, in the purest sense of “all or nothing”.

  • However, more satisfying and happy relationships are formed when they renew their bonds every day.
  • They will not withhold gifts or avoid performing heroic acts. But what they really need is that the reciprocity in every moment is sincere – where their love is both shown and perceived.

Things like “how was your day” and “you make me very happy” are small details that you or your partner can always be grateful for – things that enrich you more than the most expensive gift.

Your values ​​are hidden in the little gestures


Sometimes you may find yourself surrounded by people who look at you but do not really see you. There may be friends or relatives who hear you but do not actually listen to you.

  • Suddenly, however, someone arrives who can read you like an open book, and who through small details, shows their sincere interest in you.
  • These daily gestures are what show you the natural goodness of a person. This is because we all have an inner compass that shows when someone is sincere or not.
  • The person who appreciates the small details recognizes the effort, purpose and feelings behind them.

“If I ask you how you are, it’s because I’m really interested. I want to be by your side because I really feel the need for it, and I want to know that you arrive safely ” .

It is these little things that the people we love make us grateful for every single day.

Happiness is in the small details


Happiness is, above all, the absence of fear. It is a state of calm and balance that is both mental and emotional, as you become more receptive to everything around you.

  • A smile, a laugh, a sincere look, a touch, an unexpected surprise…

These small details allow you to enjoy the happiness that is able to heal, able to forget any grief or disappointment.

  • If you are obsessed with achieving great things, if you set impossible goals on the horizon, chances are you will just get frustrated and fail.
  • To be happy, there is no need to climb the highest peak. Sometimes you can just stay in a quiet valley and admire the sky.
  • This is where you will discover the true path to happiness, plotted through small details that are discreet but golden paths, where you will eventually reach full self-realization.
  • Let’s be this way. Let us be the architects of the respectful coexistence that is able to add value to the smallest actions. Let us act with humility and respect, value ourselves and those around us equally.

Understand that saying “I love you” over and over again does not make your love more sincere. Sometimes it is much better to show your love with authenticity than to be content with empty words.

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