Characteristics, Types And Function Of Lipids

The function of lipids plays an important role for our body. They are not only an energy reserve, they also interfere with the transport of some nutrients. So, how do we classify them?
Characteristics, types and function of lipids

The function of lipids is important as they affect our overall health. Not only are they important as an energy reserve for the body, they also intervene in other essential processes such as the transport of nutrients and the regulation of body temperature.

These substances are different and come from different sources. They are actually known for the role they play when it comes to caring for living beings. This is because they are essential for assimilating vitamins and for optimal metabolism.

So, what are lipids? What is their function? You may have heard of them in the context of health and nutrition and may want to understand them better. We’ll tell you more about them below.

What is the function of lipids

Lipids are a group of biological molecules that intervene in relevant body processes. To be more specific, they are  part of the cell membrane and the basis for the production of hormones. Above all, they are responsible for storing energy.

Furthermore, they consist of carbon and hydrogen and contain sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus to a lesser extent. In any case, their most important property is that they are water-insoluble and represent one of the body’s energy reserves.

The term “lipid” is often used to refer to “fat”, but not all lipids are fat. In turn, all fats are lipids. Thus, there are several types of lipids, and these are classified according to their physical properties and functions.

Lipids in the body.
The main function of lipids is as an energy reserve for the body. Among other things, they interfere with the production of hormones and the synthesis of vitamins.

The different types of lipids

As described in an article published in the scientific journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta  , the term lipids” groups different compounds that have relevant biological functions. Therefore , it is important to understand the classification when talking about these substances. What types of lipids are there?


These consist of chains of fatty acids, phosphate and glycerol. They form hydrophobic structures, which means that they reject water. Their main function is the formation of cell membranes.

Furthermore, they also perform other actions, such as digestion of other fat in the small intestine. The body is able to generate all the phospholipids it needs on its own.

The function of lipids: cholesterol

This is an important body molecule. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, it is not always bad and it is part of the cell membranes. In addition , it is the precursor to various substances, such as some vitamins and hormones such as steroids.

Thus, a certain amount of cholesterol is important for the body to function properly. However, too much of it can lead to blood clots. This can be a problem because there is a greater risk of heart attack or ischemic problems when the vessels are clogged.


These fats also contain sugar molecules in the structure. Their main function is the immune system. They reside on the outside of the cell membrane and act as a signal for it.

The function of lipids: Triglycerides

These consist of fat and alcohol. More specifically , it is the molecules that excess energy or sugar in the body is transformed into. This is how it produces its energy reserves.

As with cholesterol, an excess of triglycerides also tends to accumulate in the blood vessels and in the rest of the body. This is why high levels can lead to health problems.

An obese person with a high content of triglycerides.
Triglycerides play an important role in the body’s energy reserve. In excess, however, they are harmful to health.


These are molecules that consist of cholesterol and hormones. Some examples are testosterone and estrogen. Furthermore, they need cholesterol to be synthesized in the body. To be more specific, they perform regulatory and activating functions.

What is the function of lipids in the body?

Depending on the type, lipids perform many important bodily functions. According to a publication in Molecular Biology of the Cell, these are structural or signaling functions. We describe some of the most important below.

Energy reserve is the most important function of lipids

The main function of this substance is as one of the body’s energy reserves. One gram of fat can give the body 9 kilocalories. When a person has an excess of sugar, this is stored in the form of fat deposits. They will be used when other energy sources, such as carbohydrates, are lacking.

Structure formation

Some lipids form important structures in the body. Cell membranes are the most important example. They consist of a specific type of lipid; in turn, they are essential for shaping and protecting the cell.

Cellular communication

Cells communicate with each other through various substances that act as signals, such as vitamins, hormones and glycolipids. Their function is to regulate various secretions and body responses.

The function of lipids
Cellular communication would not be possible without some types of lipids.

The function of lipids: Transport

There are lipids that act as transporters for other substances throughout the body, such as nutrients. In general, this function is performed in conjunction with bile acids and lipoproteins.

Thermal regulation

The fat deposits that accumulate under the skin and around the organs act as protectors against the cold. Fat captures heat and thus keeps the body warm.

Some recent remarks on the function of lipids

The types and functions of lipids are varied and complex, although these organic compounds are generally essential for life. To a certain extent, they are also crucial for the body to function properly. However, some of them are harmful in excess.

As you can see, you need to try to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle habits, especially when it comes to food. Also schedule regular medical checkups. You must follow medical treatment if the levels are abnormal.

We hope you enjoyed this article.

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