What Is Mastalgia And What Are The Causes Of It?

The most common cause of mastalgia is the hormonal change that comes before menstruation. However, it is important to rule out other diseases.
What is mastalgia and what are the causes of it?

Mastalgia is a medical term that refers to chest pain. It is very common in women, especially in reproductive age who have not yet reached menopause.

There can be many types of these pains for different reasons. About 70% of women say they have experienced it at some point in their lives. Yes, it can be quite stressful, but the truth is that most cases have something to do with menstruation. Thus, they rarely indicate that it is a serious illness.

However, there are times when mastalgia is also a symptom of certain diseases. In fact, breast cancer can be a cause, although it is rare. Due to its heterogeneity, we will explain the most common causes of mastalgia in this article. It is important to know what it is to decide if you should see a doctor.

What are the most likely causes of mastalgia?

First, it is important to note that mastalgia is usually caused due to hormonal activity. During a woman’s menstrual cycle, hormonal levels of estrogen and progesterone vary in certain phases.

After ovulation, the hormones remain elevated until the days before menstruation. Their function is to stimulate the ducts in the mammary gland to enlarge them. In the same way, the breasts begin to hold on to fluid. Thus, the result is an increase in size that can lead to pain.

Mastalgia is cyclical in such cases. Thus, chest pain follows a pattern that is according to the menstrual cycle. They increase just before menstruation. Some women may even experience it from the moment ovulation begins.

A fertility chart under a thermometer.

This type of pain also has certain characteristics. They usually affect the entire breast and the sensitivity in this area increases markedly. Some women experience problems when wearing a bra or may feel the pain extend to the armpits.

Hormonal contraceptives are the most common treatment for mastalgia due to cyclical hormonal changes. According to some studies, these medications help reduce this type of pain, although in some cases it may take some time or appear as a side effect.

Causes of non-cyclic mastalgia


When mastalgia does not follow patterns or can be associated with hormonal changes, it is important to explore other possible causes. To begin with, you must rule out that your pain is the result of a stroke.


Furthermore, you can talk to your doctor about medications you can take. This is because many medications can cause pain in this area as a side effect, especially certain antidepressants and hormone treatments.


A previous breast operation, even though it was a long time ago, can also lead to mastalgia. It is relatively common because some nerves are often damaged during surgery, and scarring can also cause this problem.

Cysts in the chest

These are small bags filled with fluid that form inside the breasts. However, it is a benign and fairly common situation that does not require treatment unless it causes discomfort. These can occur at any age, although they are more common after menopause.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. However, it is very rare that it manifests itself through mastalgia. Regardless, it is important to rule out the cause. Thus, physicians should use diagnostic techniques such as mammography.

A doctor looking for mastalgia on the screen.

How do doctors diagnose the cause of mastalgia?

To correctly diagnose the causes, a patient must provide as much information as they can to their doctor about their symptoms. You must be aware of the affected area. For example, if the whole chest hurts or only parts of it. In the same way, you need to know when the pain comes and goes.

A doctor can also help with certain complementary tests for diagnosis. The most commonly used tests are mammography and ultrasound. In some cases, they may collect a biopsy to determine the nature of the pathology.


Mastalgia is a common discomfort that almost all women experience at some point in life. In general, it is due to hormonal changes. However, it is important to consult your doctor so that they can remove any doubts you may have and to rule out a disease or diagnose it properly.

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