How To Sleep When It’s Cold

Although the general tendency is to do everything to keep you warm when it is cold outside, 18 ºC is the best temperature for sleeping. Learn about the best sleeping habits for the cold winter months in this article.
How to sleep when it is cold

When the temperature starts to drop, we start filling up with blankets and duvets in bed to help us sleep. Many times we go for comfort and spread ourselves layer upon layer to sleep. But is this a good thing? In this article, we want to share with you how you can sleep when it’s cold outside.

Should you really put on a pile of blankets?

Being cool is better for sleep

woman sleeping

Some people may disagree with this. As you can imagine, some people like to be cool while sleeping, while others definitely prefer to be warm. But we need to think about what is best for our body.

When it’s cold and winter or autumn starts, we start laying more and more blankets in our beds. We put on our warmest pair of winter pajamas. We even wear warm socks at night. And more than anything else, we think it’s time to turn on the heat.

But is this a good thing?

The problem of heat and sleep

The reality is that it is not. Sleeping in temperatures above 16 ° C is not good for your health (or the planet). You should only heat your home a little. This is especially true if you want to stay in good shape and sleep well. In this way, our bodies can activate their thermoregulatory systems. In other words, if we apply too many layers, our body becomes lazy.

When we sleep with so many blankets or layers, we can not move freely either. This makes our sleep less relaxed than it should be. Also, if we keep the temperature between 16ºC and 18ºC, it helps our body to wake up much easier. It is also easier to stay active during the day.

On the other hand, if it is too hot in our house, we get tired and lethargic. At the same time , temperatures above 21ºC prevent our body from releasing melatonin. This hormone lowers our body temperature and balances our cortisol. Cortisol is linked to anxiety, hunger and depression.

What temperature is good for sleeping?

How to sleep when it is cold

The cold is easier to control than the heat. This is especially true when we want to sleep. When it is hot we start sweating, get thirsty and can not stand being close to our bedding. When it is cold, however,  it is also a bad idea to tremble due to the temperature or having cold feet.

When the temperature is above 26ºC, the body begins to sweat to stay cool. It does not matter if it is because it is cold outside or because you have turned on the heat. At this temperature, the blood vessels dilate and increase blood circulation. You may also have trouble sleeping. This is because your brain is “occupied” with cooling itself.

On the other hand, if it is below 12ºC in your house, your brain will also be awake. This is because it tries to increase body temperature. It is likely that you will start to tremble and your pores will open up.

At cold temperatures like this, your blood vessels will constrict and the blood will not circulate in our hands and feet. This is because the heat of your body is concentrated around your vital organs.

Advice for sleeping well when it is cold outside

How to sleep when it is cold

Pay attention to the temperature your house should be at. Also why it is best not to turn the heat all the way up. With this in mind, there are some habits that you can put into practice to sleep better when it is cold outside.

Do light exercises

Before going to bed, even minutes before, you can do some light exercise to increase your body temperature. For example, start by standing upright. Then, with your legs slightly apart, lift your arms and put your palms together over your head. Breathe at the same time. Lower your arms and exhale. Repeat several times.

Drink tea

How to sleep when it is cold

One of the nice things about winter is being able to enjoy a hot cup of tea in bed. A hot drink before going to bed raises body temperature. That means you do not have to wear so much clothing. Do not forget that some teas that contain caffeine can lead to insomnia, so choose a caffeine-free mixture.

Take a hot bath

This is another joy when it’s cold outside. One hour before going to bed, take a hot bath or shower. This makes your body relax and helps you maintain a high body temperature.

If you add bath salts or dried flowers, the effect will be even better.

Get dressed

You may feel cold just before going to bed. But, right after you fall asleep, your body temperature rises. If this happens, you can dress in clothes that allow you to take off layers and remain comfortable. We do not recommend clothes that are snug, have buttons, zippers or anything else that can irritate you during the night. The best pajamas are two-piece with some good socks and nothing else.

Adjust the temperature

How to sleep when it is cold

It is not good to sleep with the heat on all night long. If you can, program the thermostat to turn off at a specific time. You can also turn on the heat an hour before you go to bed, and turn it off just before you go to bed. Remember that the optimum temperature is around 18 ° C.

Avoid drafts

Air can draw in under doors and around windows. If this happens, your house will start to freeze in the middle of the night. Be sure to put something in the way to stop the wind outside from pulling in.

By doing this, you can keep the house at the right temperature and you will not freeze.

Use layers of blanket

The same applies as with clothing:  blankets and duvets should be layered from the thinnest to the thickest. This way you can go to bed warm and comfortable. So, as time goes on, you can take off some layers without losing body heat.

Sleep well!

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