5 Low Calorie Breakfasts For Diabetics

Low-calorie breakfasts for diabetics are a healthy way to start the day and to give your body the energy it needs.
5 low-calorie breakfasts for diabetics

All diabetics should have an optimal intake of nutrients. Here you will find tips for breakfasts for diabetics, who have low calories. You should choose a breakfast with enough nutrients that will give you energy before you leave home.

Skipping breakfast will have consequences, especially for diabetics. Metabolism is altered, insulin levels are reduced and blood sugar levels are higher.

A nutritious breakfast tailored to the body’s needs guarantees the energy needed to start the day properly. Low-calorie breakfasts for diabetics reduce blood sugar after a night of eight hours without food.

1. Pancakes with pear and ginger for diabetics


  • 1/2 cup wheat flour (100 g)
  • 1/2 cup whole grain wheat flour (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar (15 g)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger (5 g)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ¾ cup low-calorie milk (120 ml)
  • 1 egg (30 g)
  • ½ cup finely chopped pear (100 g)


  • Mix the flours with brown sugar, baking soda, ginger and salt in a medium bowl.
  • Mix the milk, egg and a little oil in a small bowl and stir.
  • Then mix in the bulb while stirring .
  • Stir both mixtures together until you achieve an even and thick consistency.
  • For each pancake, place a cup of the batter on a greased frying pan or frying pan, which is preheated.
  • Fry them on both sides until golden brown.
  • Served with natural jam and pear boats.

2. Omelette with spinach and tomato


  • 3 egg whites
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped lean meat (60 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese (20 g)
  • ½ cup chopped vegetables (spinach, asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes, squash) (100 g)
  • Oil


  • Grease a frying pan with oil.
  • Fry meat and vegetables for three minutes . The meat can be beef, pork or a combination.
  • Add egg whites and continue frying.
  • Add the cheese when the eggs are ready .
  • Place the omelette on two toasted wholemeal bread slices, with lean butter.

3. Smoothie with yogurt, fruits and vegetables


  • ½ cup natural fat-free yogurt (125 ml)
  • ½ cup almond milk (125 ml)
  • ¾ cup of berries (blueberries, raspberries and strawberries) (100 g)
  • ½ cup spinach (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon (15 g)
Greek yogurt with fruit


  • Run spinach with a little almond milk in the blender.
  • Add frozen berries.
  • Then add the yogurt and the rest of the almond milk.
  • Mix in ground flaxseed and cinnamon.
  • Mix this for a few minutes to combine all the flavors well.

4. Whole grain orange muffins


  • 1/2 cup whole grain wheat flour (100 g)
  • ¾ cup fine wheat flour (150 g)
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda (18 g)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ¼ ts cinnamon (3 g)
  • ¼ cup sugar (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons wheat sprouts (20 g)
  • ¾ cup raisins (100 g)
  • 1 cup natural yogurt with low fat (250 ml)
  • 1 egg
  • The peel of half an orange
  • 3 tablespoons orange juice (45 ml)


  • Preheat the oven to 200 ºC.
  • Sift the flour together with baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl. It is important to  strain well to avoid lumps in the flour , and to make the muffins airy.
  • Add sugar, wheat germ and raisins. Make a hole in the middle.
  • Gently whisk some yogurt and add oil, eggs, orange peel and orange juice.
  • Pour the mixture with yogurt into the hole in the flour. Use your hands to make a homogeneous dough.
  • Then have the dough in molds, which are greased with oil. Fill them up to about ⅔ of capacity.
    Bake at 180ºC for 20 minutes, or until the muffins have a good consistency. You can stick a toothpick in them to check if they are dry. They should be completely dry, with no residue of cream or dough.
  • Let them cool in the mold for 2-3 minutes before serving.

If you are looking for low calorie breakfasts for diabetics, you now have some very tasty dishes to try!

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