7 Healthy Foods You Can Eat Before Exercise

Thanks to its high content of essential fatty acids, avocados provide energy and improve your physical and mental function. They are a great complement to your daily food intake, because they are very filling.
7 healthy foods you can eat before exercise

Some people prefer not to eat anything before exercise, because their goal after all is to burn calories and lose weight. Contrary to many people’s beliefs,  eating before exercise can be a great way to improve your performance and get more for your workout.

If your workout includes activities beyond a simple cardio workout and you use weight resistance, it is important that you include more protein, fat and some carbohydrates in your diet.

Of course, you should not eat a large meal right before you start exercising or when you drive to the gym. The best way to do this is to eat half an hour to an hour before your workout to get maximum energy.

If you already have an exercise plan and you want to know what to eat before you start, do not miss today’s article on the seven healthiest foods you can eat before exercise. You will love them!

What should you eat before exercise?

1. Fruit and vegetable juices


Juicer for fruit and vegetables are some of the best sources of natural energy that can help improve your physical performance. These drinks are refreshing and easy to digest, and they support the metabolism of fats to help you burn more calories.

You can mix vegetables such as:

  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Parsley
  • Celery

And do not forget to add some fruits, such as:

  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Kiwi
  • Pineapple

2. Chia seeds

There is a reason why chia seeds have become so popular today: They are very rich in nutrients that have wonderful benefits for your health. Chia seeds contain essential omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, proteins and minerals that help strengthen your body while providing energy.

They are easy to find in grocery stores and you also get them at a reasonable price. It is best not to ingest large amounts of chia seeds – all you need is a small spoon in your smoothie to take advantage of their properties.

3. Avocado


Avocados are delicious and have many benefits for your overall health. They contain essential fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that complement many popular diets.

Depending on what your goal is for how many calories you are going to get in you, avocados may be the best way to provide natural energy and improve your physical and mental function.

Eating a portion of an avocado every day also helps regulate your cholesterol levels and it allows you to lose weight, because it is a very filling food.

4. Eggs

Gone are the days when people said eggs were bad for us – it has been shown that regular consumption of eggs can actually improve your overall health. They are a natural source of protein that stimulates weight loss while building muscle mass. Eggs are a great alternative to breakfast, especially if you exercise in the morning.

5. Oatmeal


One of the foods that have a very high content of dietary fiber is oatmeal. This breakfast cereal is considered the most complete of all, because it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and supports the metabolic function so that it converts fat stores into energy. Oatmeal has a very low calorie content, and thanks to its content of healthy fats, it protects the heart and supports the regulation of cholesterol levels.

6. Nuts

Nuts contain less water than fresh fruit, and therefore have a much higher calorie content. On the other hand, you should know that nuts are also a good source of protein, healthy fats and antioxidants that support your nutritional needs. When you exercise, nuts are a good choice to satisfy your hunger, and they are a natural source of energy. Their high fiber content reduces the absorption of carbohydrates, making nuts an ideal supplement for controlling blood sugar levels.

7. Greek yogurt with low fat content


This food is not only good for maintaining the health of your gut flora. It supports healthy digestion and also prevents high blood sugar levels. Each 170 gram serving has 18 grams of protein, making Greek yogurt a great choice for people who want to give their best during exercise.

Remember that no matter what you eat, the most important factor is your own motivation to exercise. When you are disciplined and consistent, you will be in full control of your health and figure.

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