A Delicious And Filling Smoothie With Pear, Chia Seeds And Oats For Weight Loss

In addition to being filling, this smoothie helps to improve our intestinal tract and eliminate excess toxins, while helping us lose weight faster.
A delicious and filling smoothie with pear, chia seeds and oats for weight loss

Such a delicious and filling smoothie for weight loss is ideal for those who follow a diet. After all, it has many nutrients that will help us lose weight without having to feel hungry.

Discover the benefits of this smoothie that improves the functions of the liver, kidneys and intestines. It will help you lose weight in a healthy way.

A filling smoothie for weight loss

If you are looking for a way to lose weight by improving your diet and adopting good habits without being hungry, you should choose foods that nourish while making you feel full. Saturating foods are those that are high in fiber. Fiber not only helps your bowel function, but it also helps you feel full longer.

In addition, there are filling foods that provide natural sweetness. That way, you do not feel the need or temptation to eat other sweets with sugar, as these will make you gain weight. Smoothies allow you to combine these two types of foods to get a sweet and filling smoothie that will make you feel good on your quest for weight loss.



Pears are a delicious, sweet and refreshing fruit. They are  easy to digest and provide a lot of energy and vitality. Their fiber content improves intestinal function, while potassium and arbutin have diuretic properties that help eliminate fluids. This helps you feel light and not bloated all day long.

Carbohydrates that pears have are slowly absorbed. Combined with the sweetness of the fruit, they help you avoid the temptation to eat sweets, especially in the morning.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a natural miracle. These tiny, grayish seeds are an ingredient that can help you regulate your bowel functions and help you lose weight more easily. When you let them soak in water, chia seeds  release a slimy, gelatin-like soluble fiber that takes care of your digestive tract and eliminates toxins.

Chia seeds, which are rich in antioxidants, proteins, fatty acids and minerals such as calcium, have a good satiating effect and help take care of your liver function.



Oats are one of the best grains you can eat if you want to lose weight,  thanks to its high content of nutrients and fiber. It is very filling, in addition to giving you energy and calming your nervous system. This is ideal for fighting the anxiety that causes us to overeat. People who have an urge to eat all the time and who have a lot of trouble controlling it, will find oats very useful, as it helps to strengthen their self-control.

How do you make such a filling smoothie?


  • 2 ripe pears
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (14 g)
  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal (30 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • Stevia (to taste) (optional)

Note: If the pears are organic, you can eat them with the peel, which is very rich in fiber.


  • The night before, have oatmeal and chia seeds in the glass of water. Cover it and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, when it’s time to make the smoothie, have oats and chia seeds, in addition to the water, in your blender. It will be gelatinous due to soluble fiber from both ingredients.
  • Add the pears you have cut into pieces, and the stevia if you want the smoothie to be sweeter.
  • Mix everything well in your blender for at least one minute, until the texture is homogeneous.

When and how should you drink the smoothie?

  • The best time to drink this smoothie is in the morning for breakfast or at another time in the morning. Its natural sugars will help you not feel sweet cravings for several hours.
  • The content of chia seeds and oats will help regulate your intestinal functions immediately in the morning.
  • You can drink this smoothie every day or in “stages”. For example, drink it every day for a month and take a break. Your body will let you know when it needs it.

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