Characteristics And Use Of Calcium Caseinates

Calcium caseinate is a versatile compound derived from milk protein. In today’s article will discuss its properties and uses.
Characteristics and use of calcium caseinates

Have you ever heard of calcium caseinates? It is a substance derived from mammalian milk protein. Want to know what it’s used for? Keep reading to find out.

Calcium caseinate is a compound from casein with high biological value. In this regard, it is quite popular as a dietary supplement in sports, especially among those trying to stimulate muscle synthesis.

What exactly are calcium caseinates?

As we started talking about above, calcium caseinate is a salt made from extracted milk protein.

A spoonful of calcium caseinates

This process is usually carried out by adding specialized enzymes, or through substances such as vinegar and lemon juice. This is because these are able to reduce the acidity of dairy products and cause casein to coagulate.

As you can see, this type of salt comes from treating casein with calcium hydroxide.

The properties of calcium caseinates

This substance contains about 90% of its weight in protein, in addition to all essential amino acids. The high biological value is actually due to these, and they also provide nutritional properties.

In addition, it contains a significant amount of calcium and has less than 1% fat. It also contains phosphorus and sulfur in limited amounts. Not only that, but it basically contains zero lactose.

In general, caseinates are heat-resistant substances, in fact even more so than most proteins. In addition, they can easily interact with water and fat, and this is precisely why they are powerful emulsifiers.

As you can see, these properties are what make these salts very versatile as additives in various edible products.

Use of calcium caseinates

The most well-known use of this compound is as a dietary supplement for those who do sports. This is because casein, a protein, has an anticatabolic effect. This means that it prevents muscle breakdown.

Protein powder

The body absorbs this substance slowly after ingestion, and activates the metabolism of amino acids when it digests it – along with protein synthesis. As you can see, consuming it makes you feel full.

Various studies have found that the contribution of serum proteins and caseinates is useful in achieving a feeling of satiety in obese people. It is also good for meeting the protein needs of hospital patients who need more of this nutrient.

As it is a dietary supplement, it is also useful for people who do strength training, intense training, or who are looking for muscle definition. It is generally recommended that you take it before bed or after exercise.

However, it is not advisable to take calcium caseinates without consulting a qualified professional first. This is because one must also take into account the rest of his diet. Note that you will not experience any of the mentioned effects only with the help of calcium caseinates, especially if you do not get the amount of protein that is recommended for you.

Use in the food industry

Caseinates are used in foods and other additives and preservatives. This salt is intended to extend the shelf life of various products, as well as give them higher nutritional value and change the texture. In connection with this, some of the products that contain them are the following:

  • Ice cream
  • Biscuit
  • Bread
  • Pose soups
  • Coffee creams
  • Cereals
  • Pastries and cakes
Different ice creams

Calcium intake

Because it consists mainly of calcium and has a minimal amount of lactose, people who are lactose intolerant can get calcium through this substance. They can actually digest it without any problems. This is good, as it prevents descaling and helps strengthen bones and teeth.


Several studies suggest that casein has a significant anti- inflammatory potential, which means that some people may be allergic to it and its derivatives.

Casein allergy

More specifically, the bodies of allergy sufferers identify this protein as a foreign compound and therefore release histamine to neutralize it. Consequently, it leads to reactions such as diarrhea, itchy throat, stuffy nose and burning eyes.


This substance comes from cow’s milk, so it is not suitable for people who have a vegan or plant-based diet or who do not eat dairy products for other reasons. This is why they need to read the food label and make sure that the products they eat, such as coffee, bag soups and biscuits, do not contain calcium caseinates.

Finally …

This substance is popular as an additive in several of the products you may ingest on a daily basis. In addition, there is also a dietary supplement in the sports world that you can make part of your diet if you are trying to increase your muscle mass.

Remember that you need to consult a professional to make sure there are no contraindications before making it a part of your diet.

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