Everything You Do Not Solve In Life Comes Back To You

If you do not face your problems face to face, they will remain there until you finally close the chapter. Everything you do not solve in life comes back to you.
Everything you do not solve in life comes back to you

We tend to sneak around situations that do the most harm,  turn our backs on fear and flee from what we are most afraid of. But what you do not solve in your life comes back to you.

It is not good to close our eyes and pretend nothing is happening. The circumstances that affect us the most are the ones we have to resolve.

How can we do this? We must look at them face to face and  use our fears as motivation to overcome them.

Everything you do not solve in life comes back multiplied

Man with his head in the sand

Everything you do not solve in life, everything you ignore, everything you are so afraid of will come back to you doubled or tripled. It’s the way of life to say, ‘No, not like that!’ on.

If you do not pay enough attention to it, if you do not solve the situation,  you will next time experience the same thing, but on a larger scale.

Let’s look at some examples:

Anna is 37 and all her romantic relationships end badly. She has suffered from infidelity, abuse and lack of commitment from the other person in the relationship.

What is Anna’s problem?

Anna begins her relationship afraid of being abandoned, but above all she enters relationships she does not want to be in. She is afraid of being alone. Therefore, until she overcomes this fear, her relationship will continue to be fruitless.

Petter, on the other hand, is 28 and cannot get a job. He has had a few jobs, but only for a few months each, or just a few days. When he goes to an interview, they rarely call him back.

Petter’s problem is that he is very afraid of making mistakes, and therefore, until he overcomes this fear, this lack of work, which tries to warn him that there is something he has to deal with, will continue.

Our attitude to life is very important. When we have fears or traumas that cause a blockage in an area of ​​our lives, then we begin to experience difficulties.

What does it help to escape?

Woman hiding her face behind her hands

When we know all this, what does it help to run away? Running away from what you are afraid of, from what you are trying to avoid, is nothing but a way to prolong something that affects you, something that will not go away.

Unless you face it face to face, the problem continues,  and the more you turn your back on it, the more intensity it will manifest in your life.

So, running away is an unproductive attitude. However, it is also not that easy to face your fears face to face.

What can you do?

  • Admit that you are afraid:  You escape from it, you ignore it, but you deny it? Accepting your fears is an important first step.
  • Examine where it comes from:  Try to remember the first time the fear appeared and what triggered it.
  • Be objective about your fears:  Now is the time to look at your fears from the outside and ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that can happen?”
  • Throw yourself into the adventure: Meeting your greatest fear is an experience in itself, a true adventure. Do you intend to deny yourself this experience?

Are you willing to start changing your perspective on what you have not solved?

Man with balloons on rock

Now that you know everything we’ve talked about above, it’s time to stop being afraid of something that can be fixed, even though it’s clear that it will hurt, given that looking at an open wound for a long time sticks. a little.

But the fact that things are getting worse allows you to see that  you do not have to overlook the barriers that hold you back  and make the wound even bigger. All of this will help you focus on the wound, take care of it and heal it.

It is important that it becomes a scar, that it ceases to be an open wound. We want to stop being something we do not solve in life. You can not continue to go around on something that once created a fear that you have to deal with for an unnecessarily long time. Fear warns us of an imminent danger that we need to act on, either by fleeing or attacking.

But when we begin to carry this fear on our shoulders and it becomes anxiety, when it limits us and causes uncertainty in certain aspects of our lives that are related to this fear, it is necessary to go face to face with it.

Remember that everything you do not solve in life comes back to your life multiplied. This is not bad luck or a kind of karma. It is in your hands to handle it. How? By being brave and facing your fears.

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