7 Ways To Control Diabetes During The Christmas Holidays

Do you suffer from diabetes or high blood sugar levels? Enjoy the festivities a little more while following these tips.
7 ways to control diabetes during the Christmas holidays

It is easy to lose control of what you eat during the holidays. People usually prepare special meals, organize parties where alcohol is served and share traditional desserts with friends and neighbors. Learn 7 ways to control diabetes during the Christmas holidays!

Although some do not have to worry about entering a period of surplus, patients with diabetes should keep an eye on what they eat and drink. After all , a bad choice can end up ruining the party completely.

This is why we want to share seven habits that every person with diabetes should practice in order to maintain good health during the holidays.

Find out what they are!

Ways to control diabetes: Exercise!

Control diabetes with exercise

Daily exercise is one of the best habits that benefits the health of patients who have high blood sugar levels.

During the Christmas holidays, however, some people like to relax and leave the routine until after the New Year. The truth is that this can be counterproductive – and it does not have to be.

  • It is not harmful to take a short break, but exercise plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar.
  • This helps keep your metabolism at a good pace, especially if you eat a lot more than normal.

Maintain a schedule

Distractions and time off from work are normal during the holidays, which means that changes appear in your daily schedule or habits.

Patients with diabetes should be careful about this situation since their condition requires them to do certain things at certain times.

  • If possible, try to eat the main meals at regular times (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
  • The same applies when you take the medicine and exercise.

Ways to control diabetes: Make smart choices

Make smart choices

Just because you have diabetes does not mean you can not enjoy a holiday meal. However, it is important to make good choices so that you do not suffer from high blood sugar levels after eating.

There are many healthy recipes that allow you to control your diabetes and your intake of carbohydrates and sugar, which can increase your glucose levels.

  • Ideally , you should choose dishes made with vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.
  • Fruit in syrup or sweet juice should be avoided.
  • To avoid succumbing to “temptations”, it is best to stay away from the buffet tables.

Measure your blood sugar regularly

Testing your blood sugar regularly is a habit that can prevent problems related to diabetes during the holidays.

This simple test will tell you that everything is stable or it may find something that requires your immediate attention in time.

  • If you are being treated with insulin or other medications, you should at least check your levels at each meal.
  • If you notice an alarming increase, you should visit your doctor.

Ways to control diabetes: Increase your water intake

Increase your water consumption

Drinking water and other healthy drinks every day is a practice that helps cleanse the blood and helps you avoid crises due to diabetes.

Because you may be indulging in something in abundance during the holidays, it is important to include more water in your diet.

  • Drink six to eight glasses of water a day, if possible.
  • After eating a particularly heavy meal, drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice or a cup of tea.

Limit alcohol intake

The odds are that your doctor also recommended that you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages when you were diagnosed with diabetes.

During the holidays it is worth remembering this recommendation.

  • Women can have up to one drink per day (such as a cocktail, a beer or a glass of wine).
  • Men can drink up to two drinks a day.
  • In general, it is better to choose a punch or a “mocktail” that does not contain alcohol.

Ways to control diabetes: Eat moderate portions

Eat moderate portions

People with diabetes should eat high quality food. However, this does not mean that they can eat as much of the food as they want.

No matter how healthy the dishes you eat during Christmas are, you should always choose portions that are in moderation: not too little, not too much.

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