9 Tips For A Younger Skin Through Natural And Simple Measures

To be able to get a younger skin, it is not enough to just make sure that the skin gets sufficient moisture, both inside and out: Your state of mind also plays a key role.
9 tips for younger skin through natural and simple measures

Getting younger skin in a natural and easy way is fully achievable if you follow the right advice: Take plenty of antioxidants, perform regular facial massages, balance your emotions, watch out for the sun, etc.

In this article you will find the 9 best tips for achieving and maintaining a young, firm and glowing skin.

Tips for getting younger skin

Intake of antioxidants

If you want a younger skin and a healthy body in a natural way,  a healthy and good diet is the first thing you should start with.

Your diet should not only be balanced and healthy, but also rich in foods with antioxidants.

There are a number of  nutrients that have properties that can protect you from an excess of free radicals in your body that can damage the cells:

  • Vitamin C: Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, fresh mustard, beets, cabbage, black currants.
  • Vitamin E: nuts, spinach, avocado, whole grains, parsley, extra virgin vegetable oils.
  • Beta carotenes: Fish liver oil, alfalfa, asparagus, apricot, beet, carrot, garlic.
  • Lycopene: Tomato, watermelon, guava.
  • Flavonoids : Bean sprouts, spinach, lemon, onion, blackberry, black pepper, green tea, wine, grapes.
  • Vitamin B6: Meat, fish, milk, eggs, whole grains, potatoes, spinach, wheat germ, avocados, nuts, brewer’s yeast.
  • Oil: Olive oil.

2. Beware of the sun

Remember sun factor

Moderate exposure to the sun contributes to a nice tan and absorption of vitamin D, which is important for the body.

Too much sunbathing, on the other hand, can cause premature aging of the skin and cause other negative consequences for your health.

You can still stay in direct sunlight for 10 or 15 minutes a day. This way you can make it a healthy habit without harming your skin.

3. Facial massage

Massages or facial massages are not only delicious and relaxing. They are also a  natural technique for rejuvenating the face gradually that you can perform at home.

You can perform the massage in the morning when you get up, just before going to bed or at any time of the day when you have a few free minutes.

You can also use vegetable oils or natural creams, or massage without any kind of lotion. The most important thing is that you  activate the blood circulation and give elasticity to the skin.

You can try out different types of massage on the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and very gently around the eyes.

4. Soft brushes

Massage brush

There are many types of brushes that you can use to massage the skin of your face. In this way , you activate blood circulation and scrub the face free of dead cells that can give a gray and puffy skin.

Massage with brushes should be performed with caution, especially in the most sensitive areas of the face. You can do this massage 1 to 2 times a week.

5. Beware of grimaces and tensions

Tensions during the day are reflected in your face as well as the grimaces you often make.

These bad habits block the circulation and promote premature wrinkles and should be avoided in every way. Although a massage can be very helpful, you should also pay attention to your face.

6. Contact with nature

Be in nature

When you have the opportunity, you should take a break from the city and city life in favor of natural surroundings by the sea or in the mountains.

The clean air and the calm nature nourish your skin and help you find a balance in yourself, which will have a positive effect on your face.

7. Vegetable and essential oils

You can nourish your skin daily with vegetable and essential oils  as these are natural ingredients in homemade cosmetics with powerful antioxidant effects.

Vegetable oils:

  • Coconut
  • Almond
  • Jojoba
  • Nype

Essential oils:

  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Rose
  • Jasmine
  • Geranium

8. Drink enough water

Drink water

Do not forget to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and free of impurities. However, you should drink it on an empty stomach and outside of meals for optimal effect.

One and a half liters of water a day along with other good habits will be sufficient for a younger skin.

9. A reflection of our interior

Your face is a reflection of your inner well-being. To be able to have a healthy, beautiful and young face, you should therefore feel this way on the inside as well.

Maintaining a healthy life every day in harmony with yourself and with others will also have a surprisingly positive effect on your skin.

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