8 Reasons To Eat More Oatmeal

Oatmeal also contains 6 of the 8 essential amino acids your body needs to be healthy. Thanks to this, it helps the liver to produce lecithin.
8 reasons to eat more oatmeal

Oats are one of the world’s most consumed cereals. It is nutritional and energetic properties that make it an important food for many peoples and cultures around the world and there are many reasons to eat more oatmeal.

Oats are also known as the “queen of grains”, and they are one of the best sources of fiber, protein, and other important nutrients that support the body’s functions.

In ancient times it was considered a food of the lower classes, because it was easy to grow and it was everywhere. But after people began to understand the health benefits of oats, they began to include it in all types of diets and recipes.

Oats continue to be one of the most widely used and economical ingredients out there. Versatility, combined with the health properties, has made more and more people want to have it in their diet. Many people are still not aware of how healthy it is, so below we would like to share 8 reasons why you should eat more oatmeal.

Reasons to eat more oatmeal

Checks cholesterol levels


A cup of oatmeal works wonders for the health of your heart. This grain has a high fiber content, which helps reduce cholesterol levels.

When this lipid accumulates in the blood, it can block the blood vessels and cause a heart attack or stroke. So therefore you should eat more oatmeal, since the nutrients in it help to manage these dangerous conditions.

2. Strengthens the immune system

Eating oatmeal every day is a natural and healthy way to keep your body’s defenses active. The fiber in it, along with nutrients such as B-complex vitamins, vitamin A and essential minerals, strengthens the immune system to prevent infections and other types of diseases.

3. Stabilizes blood sugar levels

lose weight

The content of soluble fiber in oatmeal is very useful for stabilizing blood sugar.  Oatmeal has carbohydrates low on the glycemic index, which helps keep conditions such as type 2 diabetes  under control. In addition, instead of increasing glucose levels, it is used to generate “fuel” for the body.

4. Provides energy

The energetic properties of this grain have been used as a physical and mental restorative food since ancient times. The essential nutrients of oats keep the body active, and they have a positive effect on our mental function. Due to its significant protein content, oatmeal improves our physical performance and promotes muscle building. To take advantage of this benefit, we recommend always eating it for breakfast, along with fruits, yogurt and other healthy foods.

5. Improves digestion

The digestive tract gets the most benefits from the properties of oatmeal. The insoluble fiber, which acts as a light laxative, stimulates bowel movement to expel waste properly.

It also reduces inflammation and fights common ailments such as abdominal pain, gas and gastritis.

6. Contributes to weight loss

weight loss

Although there is no miracle food to lose weight, oatmeal is one of the best supplements for those trying to lose a few pounds. Its fiber supports the elimination of waste from the body, and it also has a strong satiating effect that reduces sweet cravings. Its complex carbohydrates make you feel fuller for longer, and this prevents you from eating extra calories.

7. Great for the nervous system

It contains vitamin E and B-complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3), which are necessary to maintain balance in the nervous system. Eating oatmeal gives a feeling of relief during moments of anxiety, stress or depression. Its minerals keep the balance of the neuromuscular system, which helps prevent cramps, weakness and other unpleasant symptoms.

8. Oatmeal contains proteins and essential amino acids


These high quality proteins help the body repair, renew and create tissue.

Among the nutrients oatmeal provides, we find:

  • Globulin
  • Albumin
  • Prolamine
  • Gluten

Oatmeal also contains 6 of the 8 essential amino acids your body needs to be healthy. Thanks to this, it helps the liver to produce lecithin.

The best thing about this cereal is that there is no limit to how much you can eat of it. You can use oatmeal as part of your daily diet, in smoothies, cakes, soups and many other recipes.

It can also be made into a vegetable drink as a substitute for milk, and because it contains no lactose, it is great for more than 80% of those with celiac disease.

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