7 Signs That You Are A Free Spirit – Do You Recognize Yourself?

Being a free spirit, contrary to what many may think, does not mean shirking responsibility or striving for a kind of carefree freedom. It’s about being true to yourself. Are you a free spirit?
7 Signs That You Are A Free Spirit - Do You Recognize Yourself?

A free spirit is a person with a type of personality who has reached a certain level of maturity and psychological ability based on self-sufficiency and security.

Reaching this peak of personal growth is not easy.

In addition, it has to do with a dimension that fits well into the hierarchy of needs that Abraham Maslow introduced in 1943 in his article “A Theory of Human Motivation”.

But being a free spirit certainly does not mean acting like a person who has cut himself off from all bonds and responsibilities. This is a common misconception.

A true free spirit has qualities, attitudes, and ways of interacting with reality that enable them to face life’s adversity.

Today we are talking about what defines a free spirit. Is this you?

1. You choose, think and act without the need for approval

Getting to this point in your personal journey where you do not need the approval of others is definitely a big step.

During a large part of your life, you often feel that you need to be approved by society. First come your parents, then your peers, and later your work environment.

Letting yourself be seen for who you are and speaking from the heart with sincerity is not something that happens overnight.

Only true free spirits get there.

2. As a free spirit, you live fearlessly and trust yourself

be fearless and trust yourself

Experts in personal growth and motivational psychology know very well that fear is the great opportunity killer.

When you finally stop worrying and imagine disasters in the past, you will be able to take bigger steps.

Happiness is always just beyond your fears. But to cross that line, there is something you need first: self-confidence.

3. You are an authentic, bold, spontaneous person

Sincerity defines you, but also the kind of rudeness that makes you smile and look understanding.

You are spontaneous because you do not care what people want to say anymore, or what they want to think about what you do.

Authentic characters are free spirits because their internal self-esteem is no longer censored. They are in touch with their true essence and values and can show the world how they understand life: passionate.

4. You know why it’s worth fighting for

drawing, woman with butterflies

Being a free spirit, contrary to what many may think, does not mean that you shirk responsibility or strive for a kind of carefree freedom. This is not the case at all.

Free spirits know very well what they are fighting for: for what they love, for what constitutes their identity, for happiness.

The rest does not matter.

5. Free spirits do not speak the language of addiction

Addiction, understood from an emotional point of view, is a great enemy of personal growth.

Falling into a relationship marked by emotional dependence kills your sense of identity, integrity and self-expression.

A person who is identified as a free spirit knows how to love without being dependent on it. They give the best of themselves while feeling complete.

6. Free spirits know how to appreciate the little things in life

Woman meditating

To be free means not to hold on to something that hinders your growth or your love for life.

You get this passion for freedom by knowing how to prioritize and by understanding that the most important things in life are not really things, but emotions.

These feelings come from the simplest, everyday experiences. It can be a conversation, a walk on the beach, a date, a walk, walking barefoot, hugging your pet, taking a run without a single worry in your mind…

Busy and worried people are not able to appreciate such mundane details that free spirits see, encourage and appreciate.

7. Life inspires you and your attitude inspires others

People may have asked you how to do it.

“You are always happy, you always have time for things. You do a million things and you always make me laugh… how do you do that? ”

You probably do not know how to answer, because your philosophy of life is something that has come over time.

Sometimes free spirits come out after being held captive. Their attitude can be the result of challenges, time, and hard-earned maturity.

Being free is an attitude you adopt with will and perseverance, where you know you have to leave something behind.

Are you a free spirit?

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