7 Reasons To Never Throw An Avocado Stone

Did you know that in addition to their exfoliating properties, grated avocado stone can be an effective remedy for acne? Try it!
7 reasons to never throw an avocado stone

Do you eat avocados every day, but throw away the avocado stone? In this article we will show you 7 very good reasons why you should never throw an avocado stone.

Notice them and enjoy the properties. There are parts of fruits and vegetables that we throw away that can be very beneficial to you. This usually applies to seeds and shells. When you learn about the versatility of an avocado stone, you will never throw them away again.


The benefits of an avocado stone

An avocado stone has several properties. This is a fruit that stands out due to its antibacterial and antifungal effects. This is because it has the ability to neutralize various toxic microorganisms.

Avocado stones are rich in saponins. These are responsible for improving the function of the metabolism. It also removes the body’s “bad” cholesterol (LDL). At the same time, they stand out because they are rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium. They also have a lot of vitamin C.

To enjoy all the benefits, you can use this seed both externally and internally. Externally, it can be used as a cosmetic. And internally you can use it as a supplement made from avocado stone.

Avocado stone: good both externally and internally

  • The avocado stone has antibacterial properties. Because of this, it is perfect if you have skin irritations, hair problems, oily skin or dandruff.

It also has a positive effect on your skin color and the general condition of both skin and hair.

  • The use of avocado stone internally is recommended for several different things, including:
    • Obesity
    • Atherosclerosis or blood pressure problems
    • Treatment of inflammation or indigestion

This is a product that, among other things, can be perfect as a dietary supplement in salads and smoothies.

Recommendations for consuming it

  • Remember that before eating the avocado stone, you need to remove the brown skin.
  • Tear off the shell and then chop up the stone. Afterwards, bake it on low heat for an hour.
  • If you bake the stone whole, it takes 2 hours. In both cases you have to remove the shell and crush the mass of the stone.
  • You should not eat it until you bake it.
  • As with both flaxseed, which contains cyanogenic glucosides, and sunflower seeds, which contain the heavy metal cadmium, you should not eat avocado stones in large quantities.

1. Exfoliation

Woman smears avocado mask on face

To use it as an exfoliation, you need to crush the avocado stone.

  • Once you have made a powder, mix it with coffee and salt.
  • Apply it on your skin with a gentle massage.

2. Drying product

Avocado stones can be very effective in fighting pimples and other impurities.

  • To do this, mix the crushed stone with warm water to get a cream.
  • If you want, you can also add tea tree oil (which has anti-fungal properties).
  • Apply the mixture on the pimple and let it work for 4 to 6 minutes. You will see how it dries out quickly.

3. Mask

  • To make a mask with avocado stone, you need to mix the crushed stone with clay powder.
  • Add water until you get a creamy substance. Then apply it on your skin. Be careful not to touch the area around your eyes.
  • Let it work for 15 minutes. Then rinse and hydrate with moisturizer.

4. Hair cream

  • To make an emollient hair cream for your hair, you need to mix a liter of water with grated avocado stone. Then cook it for 30 minutes on medium heat.
  • Then strain and use the liquid to rinse your hair after washing. Then you will see that your hair is much smoother.

5. Salads

Avocado stones can be used in any salad. However, it is better to mix it with vegetables or with the avocado itself.

  • To make a perfect salad in this sense, chop vegetables and avocados into large pieces. Crush the avocado stone (previously baked according to the previous instructions).

6. Smoothie

Avocado smoothie


  • 1 banana
  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1/2 tablespoon grated avocado stone

This is what you do

  • Put all the ingredients in your blender. Then mix until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • You should keep in mind that the stone has a slightly bitter taste. Because of this you can sweeten it with honey or stevia.

7. In soups or creams


  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 avocado

This is what you do

  • First, heat the vegetable broth in a saucepan.
  • Chop the onion, sauté it with a dash of oil. When it turns golden brown, add it to the broth.
  • Do the same with the avocado: Chop it and add it to the pan.
  • Let it boil and then blend it.
  • After you have had the soup in a soup bowl, sprinkle it with grated avocado stone.

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