7 Natural Remedies For Treating Acid Reflux

At a certain age, the internal esophageal sphincter, which acts as a closing mechanism between the esophagus and the stomach, will lose its firmness and this can lead to acid regurgitation.
7 natural remedies to treat acid reflux

Acid reflux is a very common health problem. It is characterized by a burning sensation in the abdomen, behind the sternum and sometimes in the throat, and can become so painful that it is confused with a heart attack. Fortunately, there are remedies for treating acid reflux.

Many people believe that acid reflux is caused by too much acid in the stomach and you will often be prescribed medications that suppress acid production. Research shows that this is not always the reason.  Since the symptoms in some cases are rather due to a lack of stomach acid. With this in mind, this type of medication would rather make it worse. And this is why many patients feel that the symptoms only increase. Studies have found a link between these ailments and hiatal hernias.  As well as an H.pylori bacterial infection.

You can treat acid reflux without medication by using some of the natural remedies. Which, according to research, has had a positive effect on the treatment of these symptoms. Read on to find out what you can safely take to relieve the pain and the burning sensation caused by acid regurgitation.

Apple cider vinegar to treat acid reflux

Apple cider vinegar

As mentioned earlier, acid reflux can be caused by a lack of stomach acid. You can remedy this by taking a spoonful of pure apple cider vinegar (without dissolving it in a glass of water). This will increase the amount of stomach acid and alleviate the symptoms.


baking soda

The properties of baking soda can neutralize stomach acid. Especially while the burning sensation caused by acid regurgitation is at its strongest. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it to treat acid reflux. We do not recommend that you use this remedy regularly.  But you can drink it when the pain is especially unbearable.

Aloe vera juice

aloe vera

Aloe vera has properties that can relieve gastritis ( one of the possible causes of acid regurgitation). We suggest that you drink half a cup of aloe vera juice before each meal, but keep in mind that the juice can act as a laxative if you consume too much.



Ginger is an effective root that has properties that protect against certain digestive problems. It blocks acid production and suppresses the H. pylori bacterium. According to research conducted in 2007, this wonderful ingredient is eight times more effective than antacids when it comes to preventing stomach ulcers. We suggest that you make a tea to best use the ginger root. Put two or three slices of ginger in half a liter of warm water. Let it boil and drink 20 minutes before each meal.


Betaine hydrochloride is another good option for treating the symptoms of acid regurgitation. This natural remedy can be bought in health food stores without a prescription. You should use the recommended amount to reduce the burning sensation and then reduce to a capsule. Regular intake will help your body digest food better and it also kills H.pylori bacteria.

Vitamin D.

Vitamin D plays an important role when it comes to fighting viruses and bacteria. When you have higher amounts of vitamin D in your body, it will work better.  And it produces at least 200 microbial peptides that help eradicate infectious agents. To increase vitamin D in the body, you can ensure a healthy amount of sun exposure. You can also buy vitamin D supplements, but remember that you should also increase your intake of vitamin K2.


According to studies published in 2009, damage to the digestive system caused by the H. pylori bacterium may be related to the lack of glutamine (an amino acid found in beef, chicken, fish, eggs, lactose products and some fruits and vegetables). You can also buy a supplement.

Other advice:

  • It is important to create balance and the natural function of the digestive system when you want to fight acid regurgitation. It is also important to eat high quality vegetables and other foods (preferably organic products).
  • Eat fermented foods regularly so that you ingest good bacteria. This helps the function of digestion and will naturally reduce the amount of H.pylori bacteria.

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