6 Ways To Use Lemons For Beauty

Did you know that lemons are one of the best ways to brighten your skin? However, remember to avoid direct contact with sunlight to avoid sunspots.
6 ways to use lemons for beauty

Lemons are one of the most widely used fruits in the world, both because of their culinary use, the benefits they have for your health, and because you can use lemons for beauty.

Their delicious taste and smell make them perfect to use to make many types of dishes and drinks. They also contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that have been used for centuries to prevent and treat a variety of diseases.

What many people do not know, however, is that this popular fruit that is found in pantries all over the world is also a great addition to your beauty routine.

If you have not used lemons for aesthetic purposes yet, today we want to share some interesting ways to use them to improve the health of your skin, hair and nails. You definitely have to try it!

List of ways to use lemons for beauty

Whiter nails

2-whiter nails

Contact with different types of substances, if you have a poor diet and some aggressive cleaning agents can cause the nails to turn a yellowish color. If you want to restore their natural beauty and shine, rub a slice of lemon on them for two minutes, several times a day if you have the opportunity.

2. Lighter hair

This trick works well for women who have blonde or light brown hair. Apply a good amount of lemon juice on your hair and then sit in the sun for a few minutes. You will notice that you get natural highlights that are a shade lighter than your regular hair color. But be careful! If it comes in contact with the skin, you may get sun spots.

Natural exfoliation

Have you ever looked at your skin and thought it was dull and dirty? Then you most likely suffer from the effects of free radicals and environmental toxins. To give your skin a deep cleanse and renew it completely, try making this natural, lemon-based exfoliation.


  • 1 lemon
  • 2 aspirin

Here’s how to do it

  • Crush aspirin until you have a powder and mix it with the lemon juice.
  • Apply this mixture to your face, leave it on for 10 minutes, and rinse with warm water.
  • Be careful! After using this treatment , you should avoid direct exposure to the sun, as it may cause sun spots or other impurities.

4. Lip scrub


The skin on the lips is very delicate, and it quickly suffers from small changes in weather and climate. If your regular lip balm does not allow you to get rid of the dead skin that accumulates on the lips, try a lemon peel.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

Here’s how to do it

  • Squeeze the juice from a lemon and mix it with the sugar until you get a thick mass.
  • Apply enough to cover the lips and massage it in with gentle circular motions.
  • Try to use this treatment before going to bed.

5. Lighten the skin under the arms

This citrus fruit is great for taking care of your forearms, and there are good reasons for it: first of all, it is known for its ability to whiten dark areas that tend to occur under the arms.

The second reason to use lemons for beauty in this way, is because the aromatic juice from them can neutralize body odor that occurs when you sweat. Although you can use regular lemon juice in this area, you can improve its effects by mixing it with a little baking soda.


  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tbsp baking soda (10 g)

Here’s how to do it

  • Mix baking soda and lemon juice and set aside until you are ready to shower.
  • Before rinsing your body for the last time, apply this mixture using a gentle circular massage and leave it on for five minutes.
  • You can also use it on areas such as elbows and knees for a natural whitening treatment.

Fight acne


Although not as effective every time, the use of lemons can treat milder cases of acne. Thanks to the antibacterial and firming properties, they can control the excess growth of sebum and microorganisms, which helps to create this problem.

All you have to do is rub some lemon juice on the affected areas and leave it on for a few minutes.

Remember! You should only use lemon juice on your skin in the evening, and avoid sun exposure during the day. For extra protection, do not forget to use sunscreen the day after the treatment.

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