6 Symptoms Of Cervical Cancer You Should Know About

6 symptoms of cervical cancer you should know about

Cervical cancer is one of the most feared cancers due to its high mortality rate. According to the Cancer Registry, it is estimated that about 30,000 women in Europe will die of cervical cancer this year. These numbers may be outrageous, but the truth is that mortality from this disease has dropped by 50% in the last 30 years. Learn about 6 cervical cancer symptoms you should know about!

The causes of this have varied widely, but specialists focus on developing diagnostic tests and on gaining more knowledge about the factors that cause the disease, as well as its symptoms. Thanks to this , we women have several tools to monitor ourselves with, which will help us go to the doctor as soon as we discover any changes in our health.

Therefore, the statistics may vary if these self-assessment methods become publicly available. Although this type of cancer usually appears in old age, it is never too early to know where to start looking for symptoms of cervical cancer, either for yourself or to help a family member.

Information is power, not just to better control your own life, but to use it when others need it as well.

The main symptoms of cervical cancer

1. Warts

Human papillomavirus (HPV) appears as warts, especially in the vaginal area. This is an important trigger for cervical cancer. Although HPV does not mean that a woman will suffer from this type of cancer, the odds are much higher for this when this virus is present.

Now that you know this, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to check your health if you notice any new warts on your body.

2. Unusual discharge

One of the first actions of the disease is the destruction of the uterine walls. This results in the removal of waste through the vagina. Every woman’s healthy discharge is different in appearance and smell. This also changes depending on the stage of our menstrual cycle we are in. But everyone knows what is normal for them.

So, if you notice that there are changes in the discharge, we suggest that you go to a specialist. Remember that this case is usually a warning sign that something is not working properly in your body.

3. Unusual pain and bleeding

stomach cramps

As we said, this disease destroys the walls of the uterus. If the cervical cancer occurs with a lot of aggression, it is normal to feel a sharp pain in the uterine area. Blood can also appear as a result of rupture of the uterus. There have been cases where blood appears in the bladder and rectum. As a result, there may be blood in the urine and other excrement.

4. Anemia

As a result of the symptoms of cervical cancer mentioned above, anemia is one of the most common complications women can develop. Fatigue and tachycardia accompany this condition, and they appear even when you have not put much effort into doing something. For example, if you suddenly feel your heart beating faster than you are used to when going up a flight of stairs, this is a sign that you should check your iron levels.

5. Problems with urination are among the symptoms of cervical cancer

woman sticks to the crotch

When the uterus swells up, it presses on the organs that surround it, which are especially the kidneys and bladder. Given that these are both important organs in urination, their obstructions make it difficult to urinate.

Therefore, in addition to causing pain, you are never happy when you urinate, since the bladder does not finish emptying itself. If this happens to you, it is a sign that you should see a doctor. You should remember that the excretory system is very important for our health. If the waste is kept inside our body, it enters our blood and is then distributed throughout our body.

6. Weight loss

When you start losing weight without changing your eating habits or lifestyle, it is wise to ask yourself why this is happening. We already know that we want to be slim, but there is always a reason why you lose a few pounds. In other words, weight loss never happens spontaneously. Cervical cancer is usually accompanied by a loss of appetite, a problem that should also worry us.

These are the main symptoms of cervical cancer. Do not be intimidated by a medical check for fear of what you may find out. Many of these symptoms are indications of other minor conditions that also need treatment. Do not be afraid. In any case, time is our friend when it comes to health. The sooner we know what is happening to our body, the faster we can fight against what is about to attack us.


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