6 Health Problems That Cause Back Pain

Back pain can be a symptom of certain ailments and ailments that have nothing to do with that part of your body but will require treatment to improve it.
6 health problems that cause back pain

Do you have constant back pain? There are people who experience this problem on such a regular basis that they look at it as normal. However, it is not, and you should not get used to it.

Your back contains the largest support system in your body: the spine. If you do not take care of your health, you may end up with this problem.

Among the things that can cause back pain is lifting too heavy things without proper precautions and more serious problems. We’re talking about what some of them are today.

Keep reading to find out how back pain can warn you that you have a more serious condition. Pay attention and act accordingly to prevent your health from being affected.

1. Intervertebral disc wear

Woman at work with back pain

As you already know, the spine is made up of vertebrae that are separated by small bones called discs or discs. The function of these discs is to facilitate movement and protect the spine so that your legs continue to function properly.

Over time and thanks to your posture and movements, these discs become thinner. This disorder is common in the elderly. However  , it can also occur in younger women who have had an epidural during childbirth.

If you notice this problem, it is important that you go to your doctor who can prescribe medication to deal with the pain. You can also use a backrest to hold the spine in place.

In addition, massage is an excellent treatment and you should take a calcium supplement to prevent this problem from getting worse.

2. Low back pain

Low back pain can be felt from the chest to the buttocks. It is a condition that any person can experience during their lifetime.

Because it is such a common problem, many people believe that it has no real cause. However, this is not true. In most cases, multiple tests may be needed, but there is always a reason.

If you rarely experience it, pay attention to the activities you have done. It is possible that you have a bad attitude when you sit at the desk or that your job causes this pain.

Ideally, you should go to your doctor to rule out a more serious problem.

3. Osteoporosis

back pain

Osteoporosis is a bone disease. It occurs when you lose bone mass density and bones become more porous.

This disease makes your legs fragile and prone to serious injuries, even with minimal impact. In most cases, there are no obvious symptoms, but back pain can occur.

  • If you are over 40 and your diet is not particularly rich in calcium , it is a good idea to visit your doctor regularly to rule out this problem.
  • You should also see your doctor if you notice that your back pain is occurring in the middle of your spine and you hear a clicking sound as you move. This is never normal.

4. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease. Long-term pain is one of the most characteristic features. This means that you may not only have back pain, but also joint and muscle pain.

The following symptoms are very common in patients with fibromyalgia:

  • Sleep problems
  • Exhaustion
  • A feeling of being swollen
  • Stiffness
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Numbness in the joints
  • Heartburn

If you experience this problem, your doctor may prescribe several medications to treat the ailments individually.

Although fibromyalgia cannot be cured, there are ways to control the pain, but you need to find out what works best for you.

5. Scoliosis


Another health problem that can cause back pain is scoliosis. These are large lateral skews in the spine.

It is a deformity that can occur due to congenital or neuromuscular causes – or for  no apparent reason at all.

When scoliosis is in advanced stages, it usually causes compressions or cramps in the spine, leading to pain.

To reduce the pain caused by scoliosis, you need medical treatment. This usually includes:

  • Physiotherapy routines
  • Wearing a straightener
  • Regular checks to see if the problem has worsened

6. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases in women. In this case, there is pain in the back due to unusual cellular growths that occur in the uterine lining.

The pain is usually acute and appears more frequently during menstruation. Although prescription painkillers are beneficial, it is best to see a gynecologist to get the right treatment.

General recommendations for dealing with these issues

See a specialist to receive the right treatment, based on the type of disorder you have.

Practice yoga. It is the perfect way to get your body to relax and fight pain and inflammation.

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