5 Natural Solutions To Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Many people want their hair to grow faster, but few know how to do it. There are ingredients and treatments as well as specific practices that can help your hair grow – naturally and without chemicals.
5 natural solutions to make your hair grow faster

Trying to get your hair to grow faster can seem like a frustrating task. 

Many women try all kinds of medications, treatments, they cut their hair at the hairdresser, and some have even gone so far as to believe that there are “magical” methods to make your hair grow fast. Others choose to use extensions or cut their hair radically.

However, although it can be difficult to achieve, accelerating hair growth is entirely possible. To do this, it is necessary to keep it healthy and full of nourishment from root to tip. That way you will avoid changing up with split ends.

When hair grows in a healthy way, it remains strong against any type of external factor, such as the sun, water, and excessive use of hair dryers, straighteners and chemicals as hair dye. Fortunately, there are many home remedies that do not harm our hair, if ingredients can be found in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

In this article, we will share five natural solutions to make your hair grow faster.

Natural solutions to make your hair grow

1. Olive oil

Olive oil to increase hair growth

Olive oil has been used since ancient Greece for its amazing properties in health and beauty. It is extremely beneficial for your hair. All you have to do is apply it, let it sit for five minutes, and then remove it. Olive oil has many benefits, including the fact that it:

  • Accelerating hair growth because of its high proportion of E vitamin .
  • Is known for its regenerating properties. In addition to helping growth, it helps regenerate the capillary fibers in your hair. This is ideal for people with damaged, abused and dry hair.
  • Increases collagen due to high proportion of vitamin C. Therefore, it helps to strengthen fine and thin hair. The amount of vitamin C helps with the production and recovery of mother cells.

2. Daily brushing

Brushing your hair daily is as effective as any home treatment to make your hair grow faster. It is recommended that you brush through your hair slowly three times a day. If you brush too fast and without being careful, the opposite will happen. Some benefits of brushing your hair every day are that it helps:

  • To  prevent tangles in your hair, curls or unwanted frizz.
  • To  stimulate the capillary fibers by stimulating the production of new hair.

3. Potato juice


Potato juice can help with hair growth

Potato juice has properties that can make your hair grow faster. Some of the benefits are that it:

  • Strengthens the scalp and capillary fibers.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Stimulates the production of new hair.

This is what you do

  1. Clean the potatoes and remove the skin properly.
  2. Cut the potatoes into small pieces.
  3. Put them in a blender to make a puree. Do not worry if the puree is very thick.
  4. Add some water.
  5. Strain the puree into a clean container with a kitchen towel. This will separate the potato juice that you are going to use in your hair.
  6. Apply it to your hair and massage your scalp in circular motions.
  7. Let it work for 20 to 30 minutes.
  8. Clean with plenty of water.

4. Onion juice

Onions can be used for many different things when it comes to our health. It can be expectorant, to treat burns, in addition to increasing energy in the body. Among its properties for our hair we find that it:

  • Prevents hair loss
  • Gives strength and shine to the hair strands.
  • Increases blood circulation, thanks to the amount of sulfur.
  • Increases the production of collagen.
  • Has no side effects (allergies).

This is what you do

  1. Boil water with a little onion on top.
  2. Let the water boil for a few minutes so that the minerals are released.
  3. Let it cool.
  4. Take out the onion.
  5. Clean the hair with the resulting liquid.
  6. Let it sit for a few minutes.
  7. Remove with your regular shampoo.

5. Egg mask

An egg mask in your hair can help your hair growth

Eggs contain vitamins A, B, C and E, in addition to iron, zinc and magnesium. Therefore, masks made with this ingredient give good benefits to your hair, and among other things they will:

  • Help you get your hair growing faster .
  • Contribute to capillary regeneration and production of new hair due to its high proportion of biotin (vitamin B8) and proteins.

This is what you do

  1. Beat the eggs to mix the plum and egg white.
  2. Add a little oil as desired.
  3. Bland.
  4. Apply the egg mask to your entire scalp (only at the roots).
  5. Let it work for 3 to 5 minutes.
  6. Clean with water.
  7. Wash with your regular shampoo.

Try these homemade treatments to speed up your hair growth – and be pleasantly surprised!

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