5 Ideas For A Healthier And More Inviting Bedroom

We spend more hours a day in our bedroom than any other room in the house. Learn how to make this important room a healthier and more inviting place with these 5 great tips.
5 ideas for a healthier and more inviting bedroom

One thing is for sure: we spend more hours in a day in our bedroom than anywhere else in the house. For that reason, it is important to have a healthy and inviting bedroom.

The time we spend in the bedroom is also one of the most important things for our well-being. This is because this is where we rest, relax and spend time with our partner. We need to take into account factors such as light, colors, humidity, ventilation and fragrance. All these aspects affect the quality of our sleeping space.

In this article we will give you the 5 key points that will give you a healthier and more inviting bedroom. They will positively affect your well-being and help you sleep better. This way you will wake up with a good mood and more energy.

Proper lighting for an inviting bedroom

Lighting is fundamental to our sense of well-being. If you have a bedroom that is lit by natural light, it helps a lot. If you do not have it, you should look for lamps with warm light, such as Himalayan salt lamps. These emit an orange light. We can also put large candles in different areas of the room. These can be lit for special occasions.

If the room is very dark, try to use bright and white colors as much as possible. This makes the room look more spacious. On the other hand, things are different if you have a large, bright bedroom. In this case, you can  play with decorative elements, soft light, and darker colors  to get a more inviting bedroom . Otherwise it may look too cold or sterile.

2. The best color for an inviting bedroom


There are several things to keep in mind when it comes time to paint your walls. Be aware that this is not just an aesthetic factor. The color of the walls also affects our mood.

For a bedroom, we always recommend that you pay attention to the goal you want to achieve. There are countless options to add color to your room. You can paint a wall or part of a wall. You can also add a touch of color with decorative elements. This can be decorative pillows, bedding, paintings, etc.…

We recommend adding the following colors in moderation:

  • Orange: This is a good color to use if we want the room to be warm and happy. This also helps to increase creativity.
  • Green: This color gives balance and calm.
  • Blue: This color reduces stress and is very relaxing. It is also good for fighting insomnia.
  • Purple: This is the color of spirituality.
  • Red: This is a stimulating, aphrodisiac color. But do not use too much of it.

3. Organize, clean and valve

You can not get a healthy, inviting bedroom without this. Your bedroom needs to be organized, clean, and ventilated every day. If your bedroom is cluttered, it will be impossible to rest well while you are in it. We recommend using natural products with neutral odors for cleaning.

We can also use natural cleansers such as lemon and baking soda. These are just as effective as chemical products and they do not have any negative effects on your health. You should ventilate your room every day. This can also be done again at night if you wish. If you do not have a good ventilation system, you can install a ceiling fan.

You should also take moisture into account. If the bedroom is too damp, it is advisable to use a dehumidifier. This will help you regulate humidity and prevent health problems.

A minimalist bedroom is the key

The bedroom is the one room in the house that should be minimalist. You should avoid having too many objects. It is a good idea to have a good storage system, which boxes under the bed. This way you do not have to have too many things visible. You should also keep work out of the bedroom. Many people like to have a desk where they can work on their laptops. However, it is better to separate bedrooms from other activities.

As a curiosity, we also recommend setting the bed so that the head is facing north. This can help you get better sleep. At the same time , do not set up any mirror that reflects the bed. These are some of the basic principles of Feng Shui science that can be very beneficial.


5. A personal aroma

How does your bedroom smell? Every home has a special smell. This depends on the cleaning products you use, furniture and other items. However, it is important to find an odor that you like and that has the most benefits for you. You can achieve this with the help of aromatic candles or essential oils in the bedroom. Some essential oils you can use are:

  • For a more relaxing place: make a portion, chamomile and jasmine
  • For  stimulating or aphrodisiac properties: cinnamon, vanilla and ginger
  • For a clean and fresh feeling: lemon and mint
  • To boost the mood and bring happiness: orange, mandarin, lemon and grapefruit
  • For a romantic environment: rose, jasmine, and witch hazel
  • For antiseptic and antibacterial properties: tea tree oil, eucalyptus, lemon and lavender

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