5 Cleansing Foods To Eat For Dinner

Eating these cleansing foods for dinner is a good idea because it allows them to work in our body overnight.
5 cleansing foods to eat for dinner

Including cleansing foods in our dinners is something that directly affects our well-being. The body needs to rest. This is especially true after a day of stress and fatty foods.

Here’s something that has happened to all of us: We’re coming home after a long day. We look hungry for healthy foods, but we do not find them interesting. Vegetables and other similar foods look boring and are “better suited for a diet”.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Eating cleansing foods to help your body is a good thing. In addition, they also calm the stomach.

There is something more important than these things that we must also keep in mind. Thanks to their nutrients,  these foods cleanse our liver. This means that they help reduce the amount of toxins stored in our body.

If we eat these foods at the end of the day, they will help us more. They will let the body cleanse itself during the night. In this way we will wake up with more energy.

We want to be freed from the things that make us tired. Plus, our body will be able to handle the things that give us headaches and make us sick.

Cleansing foods to eat for dinner

We need to find foods that are rich in detoxifying enzymes. This way we can enjoy meals that are both healthy and tasty. At the same time, we must look for organic food. These foods allow us to get the most out of the detoxification process.

In this article we will explain which cleansing foods are the best and how to use them.


Artichoke, an aid to the liver

When it comes to cleansing foods, there is one vegetable that stands out: artichokes.  Besides being tasty, they have many benefits. They are one of the best options for healing your liver. Artichokes are especially good at getting rid of fats and toxins.

  • The artichoke leaves are fibrous and rich in cynarin.
  • Cynarin in artichokes is a phenolic compound. This means that it promotes bile production and helps the gallbladder. Cynarin also helps to rejuvenate the liver.
  • At the same time, artichokes have a powerful antioxidant effect. Due to this effect, the liver cells are further protected against harmful compounds. Artichokes are anti-inflammatory, diuretic and cleansing.

Examples of how to eat artichokes for dinner

  • Artichokes can be prepared with lemon, garlic and parsley.
  • Artichokes can be used in a soup with celery.

2. Beets, a source of health

Beets are one of the best cleansing foods. This vegetable has many important substances. These compounds make beets a good part of a healthy and balanced diet. Some of the most important substances we find in beets are:

  • Betaine, betaine, fiber, iron and folic acid and betanin.
  • These nutrients are very important. They both help us to take care of our health and make us feel full.
  • Beets are also rich in pectin, a type of fiber that allows us to eliminate toxins in our liver.

Examples of how to eat beets for dinner

Nutritionists recommend eating raw beets. This will let you get all the vitamins and minerals from them.

  • You can mix beetroot juice with either carrot or apple juice.
  • If you want, you can also chop them up and put them in a salad.

3. Celery, the good water driver

Celery is an excellent source of beneficial antioxidants and enzymes. It also has several vitamins, such as vitamins K, C, B6, and B9. It also contains minerals such as potassium.

Alternative medicine has always used celery. It is a natural aid for the heart. It also helps to increase the amount of urine the body produces. This is how it helps you get rid of “any disease”.

It is clear that celery does not cure any disease. But it helps us feel better. To help us maintain a good internal balance, celery does these things:

  • Celery is anti-inflammatory and gives us antioxidants.
  • It regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Celery gives us fiber. This helps with digestion and weight loss.
  • It also provides flavonoids and polyphenols that help the liver stay healthy.

Examples of how to eat celery for dinner

  • You can cut it up and have it in salads.
  • You can have it in light soups with artichokes or squash.

4. Kiwi, a good companion for dinner

Kiwi is a good thing to eat during the day. However, this fruit will be especially good for you if you eat it for dinner.

  • Kiwi is rich in vitamins and mineral salts. In addition, there is a very good reason to eat it for dinner. This fruit regulates our nervous system and helps us get a good night’s sleep.
  • We can also not forget that it contains vitamin C. This is a fantastic fabric. It helps to cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system and protect your liver.
  • Kiwi is one of the most interesting cleansing foods. They contain a high level of fiber. This fiber encourages regular bowel movements.
  • At the same time, they are very rich in alpha- linolenic acid. This acid is effective in fighting high cholesterol.

Examples of how to eat kiwi for dinner

  • You can have kiwi in salads. Combine it with spinach, nuts, salmon, cherry tomatoes, and as a dressing, lemon juice.

5. Fennel tea, a good way to end the dinner

Fennel is a plant that has a scent similar to star anise. You can find it in all health food stores. Fennel tea is a good drink to have after dinner and before taking the evening.

Here are some good reasons to drink it:

  • Fennel tea has anti-inflammatory properties. These help us reduce abdominal swelling and help digestion.
  • It is cleansing and diuretic.
  • It helps both the liver and metabolism.
  • Fennel has a high content of calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B3.
  • It is also very good for two other things. It can help regulate anxiety, and it helps us sleep better.

Don’t forget to add our cleansing foods to your dinner. They help both your health and your well-being.

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