3 Delicious Desserts That Do Not Make You Put On Weight

It’s hard to believe that there are delicious desserts that do not make us put on weight, but it does. If you want to have the pleasure of eating more than just yogurt or fruit, here are some recipes that will allow you to enjoy a delicious pudding without guilt!
3 delicious desserts that do not make you put on weight

One of the challenges for people who love delicious desserts, sweet flavors and certain texture combinations is to eat well without gaining weight.

Are there fat-free desserts?

Desserts are ideal for birthdays, gatherings and even just to vary your daily diet, but especially during times like Christmas and other holidays. During one of the best times of the year, sharing cozy moments can give us an unwanted amount of extra pounds.

There are some ways to eat delicious desserts without regretting the extra pounds later. You do not have to give up the pleasure of ending the meal with something delicious.

Make homemade delicious desserts

Woman eating dessert

The best way to ensure that desserts do not have a high number of calories is to make them at home. You can make sure that nothing artificial is added to enhance the taste or make them last longer. For example, unhealthy fats are sometimes added when the dessert is cooked.

At home, you can also make sure that you use fresh ingredients such as fruit, and in addition preserve their natural properties. The same goes for fat, because at home we usually do not use the same oil over and over again.

Replace the ingredients

This is one of the most important points to make delicious desserts that will not make you put on weight. It is always advisable to replace unhealthy ingredients but some that are healthier. Among the basic changes you can make, we find that using natural sweetener instead of sugar, because sugar contains many empty calories.

We also recommend replacing whole milk with skim milk. The same goes for milk chocolate. Remember that dark chocolate has antioxidant properties and slightly fewer calories.

Fruit is sweet and does not contain additives. In addition, some of them contain pectin which helps to make the batter thicker. These good natural products also have several nutrients that help us maintain good health. Use them alone or in recipes to guarantee good taste in delicious desserts that will not make you put on weight.

Light and sugar-free yoghurt is another option for making delicious desserts. They are low in calories, contain calcium, and help the digestive system to function better.

Dark cheesecake

Chocolate dessert

This is one of the most attractive and non-greasy desserts. It is a cheesecake with unforgettable dark chocolate.


  • 1 plate dark chocolate, 70% cocoa (100 grams)
  • 200 grams of light cream cheese
  • 150 grams of light Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 packet of tasteless gelatin
  • Small shapes

This is what you do

  • Melt the chocolate using a water bath.
  • Cover the bottom of each mold with a layer of melted chocolate. Make sure it is even.
  • Let it cool for 15 minutes.
  • Put cream cheese, Greek yogurt, sugar and vanilla in a bowl.
  • Mix with a blender until the mixture is smooth.
  • Dissolve gelatin in water; follow the packing instructions. Mix it with the other mixture.
  • Pour the mixture into the molds.
  • Cool for 6 hours.
  • You can decorate it all with strawberries, bananas or melted chocolate.

Pineapple sorbet


  • Pineapple, half or whole, depending on size
  • Lean cottage cheese (200 g)
  • 1 fat-free and sugar-free pineapple yogurt
  • Sweetener, preferably liquid

This is what you do

  • Have cottage cheese in a sieve.
  • Mix it with chopped pineapple, yogurt and sweetener to taste.
  • Pour the mixture into ice molds.
  • Cool until the sorbet has set.

Light apple pie


Among other delicious desserts that do not make you put on weight, we find this delicious apple pie. It is lightweight, as well as easy to prepare. You will be able to maintain your ideal physique.


  • Apples (700 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • Brown sugar (90 g)
  • Lemon peel
  • Salt
  • Wheat flour (100 g)
  • Skimmed milk
  • Baking soda (2 g)
  • Melis

This is what you do

  • Preheat the oven to 180 C.
  • Peel the apples and cut them into thin slices. Pour a few drops of lemon on them so that they do not turn brown.
  • Mix eggs, sugar, lemon zest and a pinch of salt together in a bowl.
  • Whisk with a mixer until the mixture is smooth and thick.
  • Add flour, milk and yeast until all the ingredients are incorporated.
  • Mix in most of the apple, by stirring with a spoon, so that you turn them into the mixture. Set some apples aside.
  • Grease a cake tin or pie tin and pour flour over.
  • Pour the mixture into the mold.
  • Decorate with apple slices that were set aside and put it all in the oven.
  • Let it cook at 180 C for 35 minutes.
  • Decorate by sprinkling some icing sugar on top before serving.

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