13 Reasons Why You Should Eat Avocado

Despite its bad reputation, avocados, in moderation, can increase metabolism and control blood fat levels. It can actually help you with weight loss.
13 Reasons Why You Should Eat Avocados

Avocados have good nutritional properties. Unknown to many because of its reputation as fattening. Despite the fact that avocados contain more calories than other foods, eating them in moderation will not lead to weight gain. In this article we will explain 13 good reasons why you should eat more avocados!

Avocados are known to help control cholesterol levels ( HDL ). It contains large amounts of fiber that can satisfy the appetite and help prevent constipation. In addition, it also has detoxifying properties that help control blood sugar levels.

This is an indispensable product for anyone who wants to have a healthy lifestyle. Avocados contain about 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, a variety of vitamins, potassium and more.

Features: Why should I eat avocados more often?


Here are just a few of the many health benefits of avocados:

  • Rich in folic acid, an important substance during pregnancy. Avocados provide both mother and child with the most important ingredients for health and development.
  • An important source of vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant. It is important to emphasize that antioxidants prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and other degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s (memory loss) or the aging process.
  • Contains large amounts of vitamin D which is important for maintaining healthy bones.
  • Also contains a high level of vitamin E which is important for the nervous system.
  • Helps control cholesterol levels by regulating triglycerides and omega 3 which are important for the eyes and brain.
  • Contains vitamins A, C, B6, B12 and K which protect the immune system, the cognitive system and the nervous system.
  • Thanks to large amounts of vitamins, it also protects against cancer cells.
  • Great for the memory due to the fatty acids and the benefits it has for the brain.
  • What many people do not know is that avocados have aphrodisiac properties. It contains potassium and fiber which regulates blood circulation.
  • Avocados can also have benefits for your eyes. It absorbs UV rays from the sun and thus helps to avoid risk or damage to the retina. It also protects the eyes from degenerative diseases.
  • Due to the content of a variety of vitamins, avocados act as a shield against diseases. It also revitalizes the skin and restores the skin’s flexibility.
  • Benefits against cancer cells in the oral cavity. Avocados contain many substances that protect, find and destroy the oral cancer cells that can interfere with the proper functioning of the body.
  • In addition to several health benefits, avocados have great benefits for weight loss. Weight loss can be achieved with a controlled intake of avocado, which will increase the metabolism, metabolism and control the fat levels in the blood. It should be noted that excessive consumption of avocados can increase the weight of some people, this is the reason why it is recommended to eat avocados in moderate amounts and not all the time.

Avocados should be included in the diet!

Avocado hair mask

Avocados have many great benefits. There are several easy ways to cook it. It can be used in salty, sweet or spicy recipes or simply eaten raw. The most popular side dish is guacamole which can be eaten with a variety of meals.

In addition to all the good benefits of eating avocado, it can also be used as a face and hair mask. Such masks will  moisturize and revitalize the cells, which in turn gives flexibility to the skin and helps it to renew itself. The essential nutrients it contains are amazing for the scalp!

Eating avocados is highly recommended in a vegetarian diet due to its high nutritional values ​​and impact on the body. Eating avocados during pregnancy and lactation provides essential nutrients that are important for the proper development of the fetus. It will also provide proper nutrition after birth.

People who eat avocados have better health and increased uptake of valuable nutrients.

What are you waiting for? Eat more avocados!

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