12 Alternative Uses For Onions That Will Surprise You

What only very few people can imagine is that in addition to its exquisite taste and high nutritional content, onions have interesting uses in the home, both for beauty care and in the garden.
12 alternative uses for onions that will surprise you

Thanks to the properties of onions, it is much more than a simple ingredient or spice for cooking. It can help facilitate many daily chores with its many alternative uses.

Onions are one of the most well-known vegetables available, both for cooking as well as in alternative medicine.

Its antibiotic, detoxifying and antioxidant qualities have been used for hundreds of years as a natural treatment for several conditions.

What only very few people can imagine is that in addition to its exquisite taste and high nutritional content, this ingredient has interesting uses in the home, both for beauty care and in the garden.

The best part is that the onion can replace many products sold in the store, making it a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative.

Keep reading to learn about 12 alternative uses for onions that may surprise you!

Alternative uses for onions

1. Onions for cleaning grills and frying pans

clean the grill

To remove burnt food scraps from the grill, frying pans and other kitchen utensils, take advantage of the properties of this vegetable.

Its antibacterial compounds not only remove dirt, but also disinfect and neutralize bad odors.

Attach a piece of onion to a fork and rub it over the utensils you want to clean. Then remove excess debris with a damp towel or a little dishwashing liquid.

2. Get rid of stains

Sweat stains or burn marks on clothes can be easily removed using a piece of freshly cut onion.

Onions work in the same way as hydrogen peroxide, in that it penetrates the fibers without affecting the garment.

Apply it directly on the stain. Leave it in cold water, and then rinse the garment in a normal wash.

3. Insecticide

Onions as an insect repellent

Apparently , the strong smell of onions is unpleasant for ants, mosquitoes and a wide variety of insects that invade gardens and rooms.

Rather than using toxic and harmful pesticides, you can fill a plate with dice and place it where the insects go.

You can also put a couple of onion pieces in a little warm water, pour the liquid into a spray bottle, and spray this around where needed.

4. Removes the smell of paint

The unpleasant odors from paint or varnish can be removed with some fresh onions.

All you need to do is cut the onion into several pieces and leave it in the areas where the smell is most concentrated.

5. Clean shoes

clean shoes

To remove mud and grass stains from the shoes, cut off a piece of raw onion and rub it on the shoe for a few minutes.

Then remove the excess with a damp cloth and apply a little soap if necessary.

6. Removes rust

Many iron products can deteriorate from accumulated rust. To get them back to their original condition, scrub them lightly with an onion and then polish them with a clean rag.

7. Cools insect bites

insect-bitten onions

The onion’s anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties can be used as a remedy for irritation caused by insect bites.

Cut a piece of an onion and apply it on the affected area. You can also use fresh onion juice.

8. Relieves throat irritation

A decoction of onion peel and water reduces sore throat and pain. If you do not like the taste, add a little lemon and honey.

9. Treat superficial burns


To prevent skin infections caused by sunburn, rub some fresh onion on the affected area.

Its sulfur compounds accelerate regeneration and reduce sunburn and redness.

10. Remove chips and thorns

Place a piece of onion over the spot where you have a tile or thorn with a piece of tape. Wait an hour and then remove it quickly.

11. Reduces pimples

fight acne

Onions have firming and antibacterial properties that are useful for treating acne. Thanks to its properties, it reduces excess oil and removes ugly blackheads that interfere with your beauty.

But before using it as a mask,  it is important that you perform a test to ensure that you do not get an allergic reaction or have hypersensitivity to onions.

12. Fights hair loss

The antimicrobial properties stop dandruff and promote new hair growth.

Its antioxidant compounds stop hair loss and help the hair to grow strong and thick.

All you need to do is prepare a decoction with onions and boiling water, and use the liquid to rinse your hair before using shampoo.

Did you know that there are so many alternative uses for onions? Now that you know them, start taking advantage of its many uses in the home!

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