11 Types Of Food And Drink For Nervous People

There are many well-known medicinal plants and herbs, but what kind of food and drink can soothe nervous people?
11 types of food and drink for nervous people

Nervous people who have problems dealing with emotions and nerves need to find different ways to improve or deal with this in a more effective way. They do not always have to undergo intensive treatment. In these cases, the answer may even lie in the diet.

So, what is the best food for nervous people?

These options are natural products that provide benefits to the nervous system and combat the effects of stress. When used together, they have a subtle (but powerful) effect.

You should incorporate these foods into your daily diet to prevent and help treat anxiety as well as depressive or irritability disorders.

Are certain foods useful for nervous people?

There are several factors that can make a person nervous. Many people think that a nervous person can not change. That’s not entirely true. To find mental balance and peace, there are certain habits we should reject and others we should seek out.

In addition, we show you our list of the most recommended and effective types of food and drink for nervous people:



Vegetables, mainly the dark green varieties, have many benefits for the nervous system. Green vegetables, such as fruits, are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

There are two ways to get the most out of these vegetables. The first way is the most popular: mixed and varied salads. Another way to eat them is in breakfast smoothies.

  • Lettuce and watercress are good options.
  • Ruccola also contains these properties.
  • Spinach is rich in vitamins and helps the nervous system.

Food and drink for nervous people: Oats

Oats for nervous people.

Oats are one of the grains that have the most nutrients. They also provide fiber and protein. Oats act on the nervous system in two ways: They renew energy levels and fight anxiety and irritability.

Brewer’s yeast

Brewer's yeast.

Also called “nutritional yeast”, brewer’s yeast is one of the best foods recommended for nervous people. It has a significant amount of B vitamins. It also has the property of being rich in calcium, phosphate and other minerals.

You can combine brewer’s yeast with many other ingredients in a drink or on a plate to relieve anxiety and stress.

Food and drink for nervous people: Basil

Basil for nervous people.

The most important property of basil is anti-stress. It also helps to treat stomach problems due to somatization of emotional states.

Basil is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. You can ingest it in many different ways. For example, you can eat it raw or in sauces. In addition, basil oil can also be used in a relaxing bath.



In this case, we are talking about dark chocolate with a cocoa percentage higher than 70%. It’s more than a sweet, it’s food. Dark chocolate has antioxidant properties that help reduce the effects of stress.

In addition, chocolate provides benefits for the nervous system. It stimulates the brain thanks to the content of theobromine. In addition, dark chocolate also has flavonoids that protect blood vessels and help cognitive function.

Food and drink for nervous people: Walnuts

A bowl of walnuts.

This delicious nut variety has an important antidepressant quality. The effect comes from the significant amount of fatty acids that help the production of serotonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that sends signals of well-being to the brain and thus to the rest of the body. Walnuts also improve anxiety and depression. Eating two tablespoons of walnuts is enough to see the effect.

Red cabbage

Red cabbage.

Like most purple fruits and vegetables, red cabbage contains anthocyanins. Anthocyanins protect the body against heart disease.

Cabbage works to clear the mind, which helps us find a relaxed state. Red cabbage also has anti-cancer properties and fights stress.

Lemon verbena

Lemon verbena.

This plant is a natural relaxing agent. It relieves stress and helps fight insomnia and anxiety. Traditionally, people used it as a digestive aid to help expel natural gases.

The lemon verbena is antispasmodic and great as a tea or with juice. If you combine it with horseradish root, you can benefit from even better effects.


Valerian tea.

Horseradish root is one of the most famous herbs thanks to its soothing properties. It fights insomnia as well as being good for reducing menstrual cramps.

Passion flower

Passion flower.

This flower is muscle and nerve relaxing. Thanks to the effect, it is good for nervous people. You can find passion flower extract at health food stores and you can dissolve it in tea or even in orange juice.


Ginseng for nervous people.

This root is a stimulant that fights depression and chronic fatigue. Ginseng is a wonderful remedy that comes from traditional Chinese medicine.

It has calming effects in people who are stressed or anxious. You can find it in various forms such as tea.

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