10 Effective Natural Remedies For Dandruff

Dandruff is not just an aesthetic problem. It causes itching which can be very annoying. Constant itching can sometimes cause irritation to the scalp and have worse consequences.
10 effective natural remedies for dandruff

Going to an event with an elegant black dress and feeling that all eyes are on you is a great sign. However, if the reason they are looking at you is because of the little white flakes on your shoulders, it changes everything. In this article we will tell you about 10 effective natural remedies for dandruff.

This is not a rare situation. It is actually one of the most common scalp problems that men and women experience. It is therefore a good idea to know some natural remedies for dandruff.

A woman who flakes.

Dandruff is not just an aesthetic problem. It causes itching which can be very irritating. Constant itching can sometimes cause irritation to the scalp and have worse consequences.

There are many treatments and shampoos to combat this condition. However, there is nothing better than a good natural remedy for finding an effective, healthy solution to this problem.

Natural treatments for dandruff

When you use natural remedies, it can take longer to see results than if you use the treatments you find at a pharmacy. Over time, however, you will see the effects.

1. Vinegar against dandruff

remedies for dandruff

Mixing one part vinegar with three parts water gives you an excellent remedy for dandruff. The amount you need depends on the length of your hair.

What should you do?

  • To apply it, wash your hair first with shampoo.
  • After rinsing out the shampoo, apply vinegar all over the scalp. Then rinse it out.
  • You can also apply it directly to your hair, wrap it and let it sit overnight. Wash your hair when you wake up.

2. Lemon

In almost every home there is lemon.  It is one of the simplest effective natural treatments for dandruff.

In almost every home there is lemon. It is one of the simplest, natural treatments for dandruff.

What should you do?

  • Massage the scalp with lemon juice, leave it for a few minutes and wash it off with shampoo.
  • You can use this every day until the dandruff disappears.

3. Olive oil against dandruff

Olive oil and olives on a table

This oil is very good for eliminating dandruff.

What should you do?

  • Heat some olive oil.
  • Apply it by massaging the scalp and let it sit, covered, for 30 minutes.
  • Comb your hair and wash it out with shampoo.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera treatment

This plant is good for pretty much anything, including dandruff. Aloe vera helps fight fungus and bacteria on the scalp.

What should you do?

  • Cut a leaf with aloe vera, apply the gel to the scalp and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wash your hair as normal.
  • Apply every day until the dandruff disappears.

5. Thyme against dandruff

Thyme in a bundle lying on a table


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons thyme (30 g)

What should you do?

  • Boil water and dried thyme for 10 minutes.
  • Then cool it down and apply on clean hair.
  • Let it sit for five minutes and use it again.
  • Let it sit for two or three hours and wash your hair. This is one of the most effective treatments for dandruff.

6. Beer

amazing benefits of beer

This drink is not only good for the hot summer days. It also works as an excellent treatment for dandruff.

The yeast in the beer not only gets rid of dandruff, but also makes the hair shine due to the high amount of nutrients it contains.

What should you do?

  • Apply it on your hair and let it sit for a few hours.

7. Salt against dandruff

Salt on spoons

Salt reduces dandruff due to its exfoliating power.

What should you do?

  • You can add it to your shampoo or apply it directly to the scalp and massage. Your hair may be dry or damp.
  • Let it sit in your hair for three minutes and wash it as normal.

8. Honey and eggs

Avocado, honey and egg yolk
  • This is not only good for eliminating dandruff, but also for giving softness and shine to your hair.


  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 egg

What should you do?

  • By mixing a tablespoon of honey with an egg, you achieve an excellent dandruff treatment.
  • This type of mask should be applied to the scalp, massaged for a few minutes and then washed out.

9. Avocado against dandruff

Avocado which is divided in two

Giving yourself a scalp massage with an avocado puree is one of our great remedies for dandruff.

The natural fat in avocados hydrates dry scalp and eliminates dandruff.

10. Celery

effective natural remedies for dandruff A bundle of celery


  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)

What should you do?

  • Boil the celery stalk and leaves for five minutes  and then cool.
  • This water can be used as a final hair rinse as it helps eliminate dead cells in the scalp.

Almost all of these effective, natural remedies for dandruff are within reach. All you need is a little commitment and regularity. Just use them until your problem disappears and eventually prevent it.

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